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Super Soul Sunday Features Oprah and Jack Kornfield

Super Soul Sunday Features Oprah and Jack Kornfield


JACK: So in the years of teaching for people, what I’ve found is that it helps to have some time each day where you take deliberately five, ten, 15, 20 minutes just to be with yourself and quiet your mind and tend to your heart. Because we get so caught up that we lose touch with ourselves and that can be sitting outside in nature, as we are in this beautiful place.


JACK: Or it can be finding some very simple meditation practice that uses the quality of loving awareness to your body.

OPRAH: Isn’t that the question for all of us, though?  This is a question for all of you tweet tweeters out there, is my heart a zone of peace? And the truth is, if you just focus on making a — you, I, focus on making this zone a zone of peace and the next guy focuses on making his a zone of peace, that’s how we get a more peaceful world.

JACK: Absolutely.

OPRAH: And that’s really all we have control over, isn’t it?

JACK: Exactly.


See Also

JACK: And when you do it, it turns out that by making your heart a zone of peace, it affects everybody you touch. The — the clerk who’s checking you out at the store.

OPRAH: Yeah.

JACK: The people you’re driving around. And they catch it. They — it’s like communicated somehow through your being.

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