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Synchronicity and Spirit

Synchronicity and Spirit

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Are you tuned in to synchronicities?

A Tale of Spirit & Synchronicity



One of my favorite sayings about synchronicity is: “When Spirit wants you to receive a message, somehow…some way, the message will get delivered!” The question is: “Will you recognize it and acknowledge it?” I want to share a good example of synchronicity and how a new friend of mine received a message from his brother who passed away a few years ago.

On this particular day, I was up early to do a Facebook live chat with my publisher in the UK. The chat went really well with lots of people logging in and asking me questions. I got to meet some wonderful folks online, whether they were logging in from abroad or from the U.S. After the chat I was quite hungry and decided to call a neighbor to see if he wanted to get some breakfast. We parked in front of the local post office, which was near the restaurant, and I had the urge to go in and check my mailbox even though I knew my mail was being held for a week because I was about to travel.

When I walked into the post office, I ran into Mark, a great guy who I’ve recently become friends with. The funny thing is that we’ve been living on the same street for eight years, and until recently, we’ve never really talked! He was always a friend to another neighbor of mine, and through a series of events, I finally had the pleasure of getting to know him. What’s sad is that just as our friendship was blossoming, he’s decided to move to the West Coast to be close to his extended family. His wife and kids were already there, and he was just staying a bit longer for work.

I invited Mark to join us for breakfast since it was the last time I was going to see him before he moved. In the middle of enjoying eggs and toast, we began talking about our childhoods. He was discussing his brother Jeffrey who passed away tragically just a few years ago, which I already knew about, and suddenly a thought just popped into my head: “Mention the model airplane.” Mark was still new to my work, and just recently came to see me demonstrate my mediumship. Now, I really don’t just give information like that out the blue, or surprise someone with a message, and even though I have been doing this for years, sometimes in a setting where I’m not working, my own mind can come into it. I thought to myself, “This can’t be his brother or a message because what kid doesn’t play with some type of model toy, whether it’s planes, cars or trains?” I thought it was just my own mind talking. So I said nothing and continued with our breakfast. We said goodbye and promised we would keep in touch.

All day long, I kept asking myself: “ What if that WAS a message for Mark?” I finally ended up calling him and asked him if he ever played with model planes as a child with his kid brother. He told me that he had done that as a child, but that Jeffrey hadn’t. I told him what I heard in my mind, and he paused and told me this story. He said that literally the week before his brother died, even though Jeffrey never constructed model planes as a child, he was working on a model plane to keep his mind focused, and Mark went on to say that he even tried to help him build it! Mark said the model plane still pops into his mind when he thinks of his brother.

What’s so special about this message is that Mark had actually moved off my street when his family moved cross country, and he was staying with friends in another town while he was finishing up some business dealings here. He wasn’t even planning or supposed to be at the post office that day, but decided to check his mail at last minute, and I too had no plans to visit the post office that day! I know his brother through synchronicity somehow set this up. He thanked me for the message, but in reality, he has to thank his brother – he did the work! Hopefully, Mark hung up the phone with the thought that this was his brother’s way of saying “I’m okay and I love you” before he moved away.

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About the Author

John Holland is an artist, author, public speaker, and psychic medium. To learn more about John Holland, visit

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