THE VIRGIN DIET: Drop 7 Foods. Lose 7 Pounds. Just 7 Days.

By cutting out all of the top 7 High-FI foods— each replaced with healthier alternatives, such as replacing milk with coconut or almond milk, peanuts with almonds, sugar with stevia, and gluten with quinoa and brown rice products— fueling your system with healing foods and supplements, Virgin predicts readers will see quick and lasting weight loss.
During the next 28-day period, you can customize the plan, testing your own food intolerances by reintroducing those FI foods you enjoy back into your diet one at a time and assessing your body’s reaction.
Finally, you can adopt The Virgin Diet for life, avoiding corn, peanuts and sugar and artificial sweeteners, but periodically testing other High-FI foods to see if your tolerance for them has changed. You’ll never have to “diet” again.
With its easy, step-by-step approach, The Virgin Diet fits any lifestyle. JJ offers specific advice on what foods to eat and which to avoid; with the Ultimate Meal Assembly Guide, it is easy to put all of her advice together without stress, and she provides simple, healthful recipes to prepare at home, as well as advice for sticking to The Virgin Diet when dining out and traveling. Helpful appendices provide shopping lists, conversion charts and other invaluable resources.
Throughout the book, Virgin also shares inspiring testimonials from many of her clients on what The Virgin Diet did for them.
“Let’s get one thing straight,” Virgin writes, “even if you’ve been on a dozen diets and struggled unsuccessfully to lose weight, The Virgin Diet can work for you. In fact, the more trouble you’ve had with losing weight and keeping it off, the more likely it is that food intolerance is at the root of your problem. Ironically, trouble with previous diets probably makes you a better candidate for success with The Virgin Diet. If they didn’t work, food intolerance was very likely a big part of the reason. Heal the problem, and off come the pounds.”

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