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Astrology Forecast for 2014 Aquarius New Moon

Astrology Forecast for 2014 Aquarius New Moon

This Aquarius New Moon has the cooperation of the ruler of Aquarius, Uranus, the cosmic wild card, rebel, and awakener, and the agent of volatile, unforeseeable change. He is locked in a several year battle with Pluto, lord of death and rebirth and the agent of unavoidable change. Pluto has been receiving the brunt of the attention and energy since Christmas, with deep level restructuring being forced to the surface and into awareness. The balance of focus and power is shifting now, quickly and radically.

Uranus’ helpful link to the Aquarius New Moon inspires and excites actively participating in the ongoing restructuring — standing up, fighting back, stepping out of the norm and taking risks that scream, “What do I have to lose?” These actions and reactions have a pronounced hair-trigger quality, which means the direction you are looking will affect and largely determine the direction you leap.

Fortunately, the past six weeks have delivered encouragement and opportunity galore to choose that direction consciously and wisely. Pluto’s lead role in the major activity since Christmas (the cardinal t-square and Capricorn New Moon) has cut a lot out and given a sharper, narrow focus on what is most important.  Re-evaluating the worth and long-term viability of relationships and more has also been ongoing, too, because of the retrograde of Venus, the ruler of all we hold dear (love, money, beauty, creativity, values).

See Also
March 2023 Astrology

The final hours of that retrograde are imprinted on this Aquarius New Moon. Venus stations direct the next day. What you have revisited, revalued, and learned during her retrograde is part of the platform from which you will spring to action.  You put away some toys, desires, trifles, goals and connections, while remembering or discovering the value of others.  This process prepared you for (and bodes well) for catapulting into life-enhancing directions now, rather than landing on dead-end streets.

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