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5 Simple Ways to Declutter Your Life

5 Simple Ways to Declutter Your Life

by Noah St. John 

I’ve always said that if I ever leave the personal growth industry and start another business, it would be in the self-storage business. Why? Because people are obsessed with buying stuff! And when there’s too much stuff in the house, they put the car outside and put the stuff in the garage. Then, when the garage is full, do they get rid of their stuff? No, they buy another storage unit! Some of you are laughing right now, and some of you are not, because it’s hitting too close to home. The point is, many of my clients have faced this problem; so if you’re facing this issue of overwhelm and clutter, you’re definitely not alone.

The question is: WHY do we need to declutter in the first place? Why don’t we just “let things be”?

One of the main reasons it’s essential to declutter your life, is that if you have clutter, it’s hard for something better to come in.

For example, have you ever noticed that when you clear stuff out of your home or office space, you feel better? I know you’ve noticed this.

For example, after one of my coaching clients decluttered her office, her business doubled in less than 90 days!

Another one of my clients had so much clutter when she came to me, she couldn’t even see the carpet in her office. Then, I helped her install this Power Habit and she began to systematically declutter her life. She told me it took 17 garbage bags to clear all the clutter from her office. But guess what happened? In less than four months, she had made enough extra money in her business that she was able to replace the carpet that she couldn’t even see before!

Another coaching client came to me complaining of clutter. I encouraged her to declutter her office. She did so, and found $150 worth of gift cards that she had lost two years earlier. Wouldn’t it be nice to get paid to declutter your home office?

Here are 5 simple ways to declutter your life…

[dropcap]1. [/dropcap]Don’t complain that you have to declutter your life. Instead, be grateful that you have something (a home, an office, a body, a life) to keep clean in the first place.

[dropcap]2. [/dropcap]Remember that decluttering your life is a continuous, not a one-time, act. One of my college professors was a practicing Buddhist monk. He would often remind us, “Half of life is cleaning.” That’s a good reminder for all of us.

[dropcap]3. [/dropcap]Declutter your head trash. Think about the negative things you say to yourself regularly: “I’m too old to change… I’ve made too many mistakes… I probably can’t do it.” Remove those thoughts from your head just like you would remove the trash from your home.

[dropcap]4. [/dropcap]If you’re stuck, bring in a professional. If you are really stuck with decluttering your life, bring in someone to help you –for example, a professional organizer, business or life coach, even a friend who enjoys organizing things (yes, these people do exist!). There are plenty of resources to help you. Don’t feel like you have to do it alone.

[dropcap]5. [/dropcap]Use Afformations. Afformations are empowering questions that help you declutter your brain. For example, you can afform Why am I so good at organizing? or Why do I love being organized? You can also get the first 2 chapters of The Book of Afformations free at

See Also

When you clear the clutter, you make room for better things to come in.

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About Noah St. John

Noah St. John is the best-selling author of The Book of Afformations: Discovering The Missing Piece to Abundant Health, Wealth, Love, and Happiness (Hay House). Noah is famous for inventing Afformations® and creating customized strategies for fast-growing companies and leading organizations around the world.

His sought-after advice is known as the “secret sauce” for creating breakthrough performance.

Noah’s books have been translated into ten languages and he appears frequently in the news worldwide, including CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox, National Public Radio, PARADE, Woman’s Day,, Los Angeles Business Journal, Chicago Sun-Times, Washington Post, Bottom Line/Personal, Selling Power and The Huffington Post.

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