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A Year Of Miracles: Daily Devotions and Reflections

A Year Of Miracles: Daily Devotions and Reflections

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  • The endless creativity of the present delivers me from the limits of yesterday.

Every moment reveals God’s infinite love. Living in the present, I am safe and free. Nothing can keep me bound to the past except my thoughts that would keep me there.

  • Let me be guided by the wisdom of my heart.

Today I will extend my perception beyond what my physical eyes can see. Saluting the love that lies beyond a veil of physical appearances, I will invoke a world that lies beyond. My eyes will open to a truer truth.

  • I embrace each moment as an opportunity for a miracle.

Infinite opportunity is built into the nature of the universe. It is not lack of opportunities, but rather the ways I have deflected them, that has obstructed the flow of miracles into my life.

With each shift in our thoughts, our belief in what is possible, and the opening of our heart, Marianne reveals how we can evolve beyond our fears, negative thoughts, and emotions that hold us hostage, and be free to allow miracles to happen for ourselves and for the world.

See Also
Soul Searching

Selected Quotes from A Year of Miracles: Daily Devotions and Reflections

“Every moment reveals God’s infinite love. Living in the present, I am safe and free. Nothing can keep me bound to the past except my thoughts that would keep me there. I forgive myself, and others, for any mistakes we made before this moment. I choose not to drag the burden of my past into the promised land of each new day. I am open to the miracles that the present holds out as its gift to me in the eternal now.”

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