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A Year Of Miracles: Daily Devotions and Reflections

A Year Of Miracles: Daily Devotions and Reflections

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“There is but one problem and one solution. All problems are a deviation from love, and all solutions are a return to it. Whatever problems I face today, I will look for answers inside myself. I will search my heart for any lack of love . . . lack of forgiveness . . . lack of acceptance of my brother or myself. I will be lifted then to an illumined place, where wisdom and truth shall guide me. There I will find the answers that I seek.”

“Today I resist the temptation to punish or undermine myself. All mistakes are a betrayal of self, and today I honor the goodness that is natural to my being. I resist any worldly projection onto me that I am less than the perfect child of a wholly loving God. Thus I am able to celebrate and truly enjoy my life.”

“Whether I am paid or not, whether I am working out in the world or planting my own garden, I dedicate whatever I am doing today to the uplifting of all things. May the activity of my mind and work of my hands be of service to the healing of the world.”

See Also

“How often do I not notice the miracles all around me, or honor all the kindnesses shown me, or allow myself to fully embrace the good that’s in my life? Today I remember that every day is precious, every heart carries within it the spirit of God, and every event contains the platform for a miracle. May I not be blind today to the awesomeness of life.”

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