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Accept the Apology You’ll Never Receive

Accept the Apology You’ll Never Receive

by Shawne Duperon

When you deeply grasp

That everyone is doing the best they can in this moment

With the skills they currently possess,

You can forgive anything.


You can forgive

a neighbor who makes inappropriate comments,

To a boss who passes you over for a promotion,

To a dad who abandoned you, or even a past spouse who abused you.

If that person could fathom the hurt or pain they caused you,

Along with the spiritual consciousness to grasp it and take responsibility for it, they would apologize.

They would say with heartfelt love:

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry I caused you pain.”

They really would.

I’ve come to realize not everyone has this type of consciousness.

I can wish they did.

I can try to “change” them.

But the reality is when I feel hurt,

I can now internally accept the apology they will never verbalize.

When I accept that apology that I will NEVER receive,

I am the one washed in acceptance and love.

I am the one who feels peaceful. Me.

After all, the game is to focus on my way of being, my ability to forgive,

my ability to love, my ability to accept the moment.

See Also
Ho'oponopono OMTimes

This is not about condoning bad behavior, or putting up with abuse.

That would be silly.

This is about MY spiritual mastery to truly accept the apology

I will never receive.

When I “be” that person I am madly in love with myself and everyone else

and life’s uncomfortable circumstances become sacred, indeed.

I love how that works.

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Shawne Duperon, 6-Time EMMY® winner and founder of

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