The Art and Psychology of Color Therapy
By Shivana Pateras
“Color me Beautiful”
Just for a moment, stop and take a look around you right now. The world as we know it is vibrant and alive with color. Everywhere you look, the greens of the trees, the multitude shades of flowers, the birds and animals, the turquoise and blues of our lakes and oceans, the clothes and materials we use to adorn ourselves and our homes…are all different shades of vibrant color. Although we may sometimes take it for granted, color plays an intricate role in our lives and has a profound effect on all levels of existence; mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.
Originated in Egypt about ten thousand years ago, Color Therapy is considered an ancient form of healing. Temples were constructed where sunlight was channeled through diagonal tunnels in the walls to shine through colored gemstones such as sapphires and rubies. A person would lie down in the colored beams of light and allow themselves a sacred space of rejuvenation and restoration. Colored ointments and salves were made from ground gemstones, waxes and fats and applied to wounds and afflicted parts of the body.
Throughout history much of this knowledge was passed down almost secretly and nearly lost until around the early 1600’s. Paracelcus, the famed scientist and philosopher formulated a science for Color Therapy after much well documented research and experimentation. In 1672 and 1704, Sir Isaac Newton published the “Anno Christi” and “Optics”, scientifically showing the documented and intricate connection between the human body and color and light. In the late 1800’s, the shared research and work of Dr. Stephan Pancoast and Dr. Edwin Babbit resulted in published books called “Light and Its Rays as Medicine” and “The Principles of Light & Color”, both dealing with the healing and therapeutic effects of colored lights on the human body.
The 19th century Austrian philosopher, educator and founder of the modern-day Waldorf school, Rudolph Steiner, incorporated specific color schemes in the classrooms of his schools, noting its therapeutic and vibrational effects on children especially when used in lighter, pastel shades.
As we fast-forward to the 20th century, through many trials, tribulations, and government harassment, Dr. Dinshah Ghadiali developed a Color Therapy science called Spectro- Chromatherapy. His work proved to the western world that color rays can heal even the most deadly of ailments, and established an effortless and acceptable way of healing now used in hospitals, clinics and homes around the world. “A color lamp in every home, for safe and gentle healing” was his motto. A Color Practitioners college was founded in England by renowned color therapist Theo Gimble, who has also written several books on the subject and The Dinshah Health Society continues to share research and information throughout North America to students and medical professionals.
If you place your hand under a powerful microscope you would see atoms, color and energy vibrating at a very rapid pace, and which quantum physics has proven time and time again, we are light beings and light and color are inextricably bound together. Visible light, or color, is one of several forms of energy which travels at light speed that radiates from the sun also known as the electro-magnetic spectrum. Light and color together are made up of an electrical and magnetic compound. The human body is made up of several energetic layers all beginning at a cellular level. Our Chakras, or vortexes of energy that takes in and spins out information, influences our aura or the electromagnetic field which surround our physical self. All of which reflects our innermost self, our thoughts, beliefs, and genetic programming. As our thoughts change to a more loving state so to our energy and the vibrancy of the colors of our auras and chakras.
Thoughts are energy!
We as human being exist on the earthly 3D, or third dimensional plane of existence. Just as color vibrates at different frequencies and is a physical energy, so to our chakras respond. It affected visually impaired, those without sight or color impaired the same as sighted individuals. Shades of stimulating, warming and vibrant reds, orange and yellows are of a denser vibration and frequency relating to our lower three chakras as shades of blues and purples are calming and relaxing also responsive to our upper three chakras. The colors green and magenta, relating to our heart chakra and the energy of Love are the most balancing and healing. There are colors that are of higher vibration and frequency, which exist on the 5th, 7th and higher dimensions which transcend our 3D reality and is beyond the scope of human imagination.
Color Therapy
Color Therapy can be used for healing and balance in many forms such as:
Color Light Therapy – laying under a color lamp with the light placed on specific areas of the body to stimulate healing
Color Tonations – by placing colored silk or glass over a sunlit window, drinking water, lotions, oils and creams, and environment.
Color Visualization and Breathing – while in a relaxed state, visualize a particular color and breathe it into a part of the body as a way of inviting healing and balance. For example, how do you feel when you visualize a clear and calm turquoise ocean or lake or sitting in nature under a tree in a lush green meadow?
Fabric and Clothing – wearing natural fibres of a particular shade effects your energetic field
Creative – drawings, coloring, and creating Mandalas (circle art) was used by psychologist Carl Jung and is used today in modern psychotherapy as method of journeying deep in to the psyche of patients and inner child healing.
Consumption – Eating foods within the chakra color spectrum has been proven by Ayurvedic philosophy to have a healthful and balancing effect on the physical, energetic and mental/emotional body.
Color Therapy – Chakra Colors
Here are a list of colors based on the Chakras spectrum and its physical, mental, emotional and psychological influences:
Red – base chakra – blood strengthening, stimulating, stabilizing, grounding, and energizing
Orange – sacral chakra – activating, warming, enthusiasm, sociability, confidence
Yellow – solar plexus – cleansing, personal power, playfullness, originality, creativity
Green – heart chakra – immune-enhancing, rejuvenating, balancing, prosperity, growth
Blue & Indigo – throat and third eye chakra – enhanced imagination, intuitive, calming, peace, communication, relaxation
Violet – crown chakra – soothing, meditative, mystical, depth
Resources: Color Therapy, by Heather O’Hara
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About the Author
Shivana Pateras, C.N.H.P. is a Holistic Health Practitioner, Akashic Records Consultant, and Reiki Master, specialized in many modalities of Spiritual Healing and Energy Medicine. Through her private practice and spiritual teaching her vision is to be an instrument of Love, Light and Service to you on your journey of Healing and Self-Discovery. You can learn more about her work at and connect through social media; facebook, twitter and LinkedIn.

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