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Astrology Forecast for January 20-26, 2014

Astrology Forecast for January 20-26, 2014

Even so, life is not all sunshine, lollipops and rainbows. There are still bills to pay, commitments and responsibilities to carry out, and walls to test. Consciously or not, your mind faces all of these before sunrise Saturday and works out what to do about them. The aftermath is an epidemic of decisions, demands, conversations that can not be avoided or delayed, and a backwash of anxiousness that maybe you said too much. You won’t and you didn’t. You had to say what you said. The same goes for the source of every not entirely comforting message you receive. It’s all stoking personal growth, healthy expression of power and, ultimately, supportive and reliable connections.

So open those minds this week! They’re not merely trapping information, but also turning it into fuel. Remember:  your mindset affects how you experience life. You stand to improve both this week.

Monday:  Dreams give your concept of yourself a good shaking and grease the way to a satisfying connection or two. Notice the change in your approaches, targets and energy expenditures. Less is proving to be more. You’re in a more refined, graceful and efficient mode. Help arrives to tie down a development, but does require you to reach for and take the outstretched hand. Follow-through is best put off until tomorrow, though. The Moon goes void of course (what that means) after sextiling structure-loving Saturn at 3:57 PM EST until first thing tomorrow morning. Take the evening’s events as for the moment.

See Also
Tarot Astrology Forecast December 2021

Tuesday:  Your mind and heart enter a new level of interacting before the day gets fully underway. The Moon clears her void (what that means) at 7:45 AM EST and enters the relationship zone of Libra. Her first hour there see agitation and the vague dread that comes from knowing deep within that change is coming. Reasons to validate and applaud yourself quickly brush away those jitters.  The high road (intuition or guidance will steer you there) is the preferred route for the remainder of the day, even when it becomes more narrow, confining or lonely than you would like.

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