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Astrology Forecast for January 27 – Feb. 2, 2014

Astrology Forecast for January 27 – Feb. 2, 2014

The Moon coincides with the final, for now, escalation of tension in the ongoing restructuring of the foundations of our lives. Jupiter, which magnifies every influence it touches, is completing an opposition to Pluto, lord of death and rebirth and overseer of our longterm metaphoric remodeling projects. The magnitude, depth and inescapability of the changes in our lives becomes impossible to miss. Watch for issues to resurface from the week between Christmas and New Year’s. Family milestones are likely (such as adult children taking over from aging parents). So is another wave of departures by celebrities with whom we are culturally identified.

The Moon also holds the energy of two gear shifts that start on Friday. The first signals the end of a six-week process. Since just before Christmas, we’ve been re-evaluating the worth, desirability and long-term viability of relationships, money matters, possessions that we rely on, and our value system. (Show of hands: how many of you have stumbled on old flames and crushes recently, even in your dreams?) That process is winding down as Venus ends the retrograde motion she has been in since just before Christmas.

No sudden shift is coming; she won’t move off the degree of her direct station until next week. Besides, another planet’s activity may create the feeling that her retrograde hasn’t ended. As Venus is stationing, Mercury, the ruler of how and what we think and speak and how we get around, moves into Pisces. Communication loses its contours in this most universally connected of the water signs, and logic and rational thought give way to empathy and knowing. What’s more, Mercury is approaching his own retrograde, which begins on Thursday, Feb. 6. (Read more about that in my article How to Handle a Mercury Retrograde.)

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