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Astrology Forecast for January 6-12, 2014

Astrology Forecast for January 6-12, 2014


Astrology Forecast for January 6-12, 2014

By Kathy Biehl

After a tumultuous kick-off to the year, we’re already settling in. This week we get our heads and hearts together, increase the reach of our grasp and come upon safety nets within ourselves and our connections.

Developments have the potential for stabilizing and grounding, which provide a sturdy base for moving out of emotional reactions and into more objective perceptions.

Make a note of this week’s impulses, campaigns and agendas. They will return in May and June, when warrior god Mars marches back over his current position. They are currently flying off the collision between Mars and bigger-is-better Jupiter, a contact that is prolonging and escalating the profound changes that emerged between Christmas and New Year’s. Those eruptions and shattering of patterns, envelopes and paradigms are taking on a turbo-charged quality now.

With that activity as the backdrop, the travels of our minds and hearts color the week. Mercury, ruler of how and what we communicate and how we get around, launches the journey and the week with an overnight assist by commitment and responsibility-oriented Saturn.

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Pet Horoscope OMTimes

 On Tuesday he shares what he’s learned with Venus, goddess of love and ruler of all we hold dear (money, possessions, beauty, creativity, value systems). Their meeting rivets mind and heart on longterm desires and sets us thinking about the pathway to making them manifest. Some of that thinking involves other people.

Watch for “where are we going?” conversations and decisions that define, tie down and recognize the value of certain connections.

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