Celebrate Your Life!

Program Spotlight – Celebrate Your Life!
Experience the Most Amazing Valentine’s Event!

Presented by Liz Dawn
Do you wonder what would it be like to be at an event filled with the world’s top spiritual teachers and visionaries all in one place at one time? Well, you don’t have to wonder any longer!
Mishka Productions, based in Scottsdale, Arizona, has created a very special Valentine’s Weekend event that will bring together like minded people from all over the world. This year marks the 12th Anniversary of their signature event called Celebrate Your Life featuring spiritual greats, Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson, Caroline Myss, Neale Donald Walsch, Gregg Braden, Alanis Morissette, James Van Praagh, and many more powerful life changing presenters! But this year’s event is extraordinary special as it will take place on Valentine’s weekend.
“There is no better time to come together as a spiritual community than now” states Liz Dawn, president of Mishka Productions, “all the online events are wonderful, but there is absolutely nothing like a live event and experiencing these wonderful teachers in person!”
People travel from all over the world to attend Celebrate Your Life to meet their favorite authors in person and experience transformational and healing workshops. For an entire four days, attendees are immersed in experiences filled with personal growth, spiritual insights, deep conversations and most of all, a great time.
Deepak Chopra kicks off the event with a keynote presentation discussing the future of wellbeing and creates a roadmap for “higher health.” Deepak will also discuss practical ways to experience higher consciousness, transformation and healing. The event will continue the next day offering attendees the opportunity to select which speakers and workshops they would like to attend. “There is something for everyone!”, exclaims Liz Dawn. Dr. Joe Dispenza is another presenter at the event and his workshops will not disappoint as he shares how we can all begin to break old patterns and behaviors and create new productive ways to live a more joyful life.

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