Creating a Conscious Business that is Unstoppable
Creating a Conscious Business that is Unstoppable
5 Things You Need To Do To Be Innovative
by Chutisa and Steven Bowman
In today’s world, being unstoppable matters. We live in perhaps the most stirring and electrifying economic period in our lifetime. New realities are happening. The ways business may be generated and created are changing. These new realities will bring with them tremendous possibilities and an influx of unlimited potentials and an appetite for conscious innovation. To thrive and flourish in the decade ahead will require a different mindset in addition to a more conscious way of being and operating in the world. Innovation and a different way of being and looking at the world are needed to become unstoppable. Failure to do so will suppress advancement at a period when progress is vital. The next decade belongs not to those who subscribe to the business-as-usual paradigm but to visionaries who will choose to function outside the confines and the limitations of this reality.
So, what does it mean to be unstoppable? It means choosing to stop operating within the limitations of this reality and stop taking on the limited points of view that other people buy into. Being unstoppable therefore is about not being controlled by anybody else’s reality. It’s about being willing to be out of control. Being out of control is not being uncontrolled. It’s not being drunk, disorderly, or illegal. Being out of control means nothing controls or stops you—and you don’t need to stop or limit anyone else. When you are out of control, you are willing to function outside of contextual reality and conventional points of reference. When you are out of control, innovation can begin.
Leonardo da Vinci and Steve Jobs are examples of people who were choosing to stop operating within the limitations of this reality. They were naturally nonconformists even in the face of unfavourable consequences. They pushed the boundaries of knowledge, exploring things that were outside of contextual reality. They had the courage to stand alone, follow their own knowing, and take what others would regard as the risky options while everyone else selected the safe route. They were supremely gifted people who saw different possibilities and were aware of different things. They undertook actions that produced societal value and shaped a future way beyond most people’s imagination. They inspired others to act.
Both Leonardo da Vinci and Steve Jobs didn’t let the controls of other people’s points of view, realities, judgments, and decisions become the controlling factor in their life. They had an unshakeable courage and trust in their tenets, even though their initiatives and ventures confounded conventional practices, and often unleashed irregularity, mayhem, and chaos. They always trusted themselves and their vision, no matter what anyone else thought. They had absolutely no concern for what someone else’s point of view of them was.
So, how can you embrace being unstoppable and innovative as a way of being in your own life? First, you must realize that being innovative is a choice. It is a commitment you make to yourself not to live by anyone else’s judgment and reality ever again, no matter what. Each of us has the ability to become innovative. It is not an extraordinary privilege or a special treat that is only bestowed to some people and not to others. It is a knowable and attainable state of being that is available to everyone, if they choose to claim, own, and acknowledge it. Being innovative means you are unstoppable, and being unstoppable means you are being innovative.
Being innovative is an experience of expanding your awareness beyond its present limits. It is a state of flexible awareness, with no fixed points of view. If your organization is to thrive and provide real value, you as the leader must choose to be innovative. With a different mindset, you can re-imagine what is possible, discovering what you can do that is new, and how best to do it. You will be able to perceive the major trends that will change the business landscape and draw on your awareness to make choices that will create greater future potential for your organization. You won’t just navigate tomorrow’s global trends, but actually shape them.
5 Things You Need To Do To Be Innovative
[dropcap]1.[/dropcap] Making the choice to choose. You have to choose to be unstoppable; it’s not a place you go to—it is who you are. When you are being unstoppable you are truly being you. You do not define yourself from the limited perspective of this reality. You do not go by anyone else’s reality. You do not adjust your world to fit anybody else’s reality.
[dropcap]2.[/dropcap] Become aware of limited points of view. To truly become innovative, you must come out of any limited points of view you have created. You have to become aware of where you are functioning from that is creating limitation in your business and in your life. The moment you take the initiative to become aware of your limitations, habits, and any unconscious conditioning, you are on the path to becoming innovative.
[dropcap]3.[/dropcap] Commit yourself to change in every aspect of your life and give up defining yourself in any way, shape, or form. You have to make a demand of yourself: “No matter what it takes, no matter what it looks like, I am going down this path.” Be willing to be vulnerable and to stay open to the new, the unfamiliar, and the unknown. Be open to all possibility and be willing to look at what you can do that will generate different possibilities.
[dropcap]4.[/dropcap] You must be willing to challenge traditional perceptions, assumptions and points of view. To be innovative requires you to become aware of the boundaries and restrictions that confine your behavior and then deliberately let those boundaries and restrictions go or step beyond them. This is not about breaking the rules. It is about renouncing the significance of conventions, rules, and regulations in general, and most especially those which do not contribute to your success. It is about finding more generative, dynamic, and flexible ways of being.
[dropcap]5.[/dropcap] Be flexible and spontaneous. Choose to be ever aware and mindful, ready to shift strategy and tactics as the situation requires. Cultivate the ability to change and transform on a dime. The ability to change and transform on a dime comes from the capacity to adapt as needed and to create flexible structures that are appropriate and suitable for that moment.
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About the Authors
Chutisa and Steven Bowman are internationally renowned advisors on strategy and risk, governance and creating a culture of strategic awareness at board and senior executive levels.
Chutisa has extensively studied consciousness, creativity and business and has held senior corporate positions in large public companies. Steven has held numerous CEO and board positions in the finance and private sector and is a renowned public speaker and global advisor to boards and CEOS.
Connect with Chutisa and Steven Bowman at:
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