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Hijacking the Weather

Hijacking the Weather


Open Minds with Regina Meredith

Hijacking the Weather

Featuring Dane Wigington

Hijacking-the-Weather_GaiamTV_OMTimesPremiers Tuesday, 21 January

The delicate balance of natural forces that gave rise to life on our planet is being thrown into disarray by worldwide geoengineering programs. Despite the environmental devastation, our media continues to reassure us that these strange weather patterns are perfectly normal. Leading the charge against geoengineering is Dane Wigington who reveals why our weather is being hijacked and how we can take up the fight to reverse the damage.

Dane Wigington has an extensive background in solar energy as a licensed contractor in California and Arizona. After noticing a significant drop in solar uptake and a decline in forest health, he began to investigate the cause and found that the problems stemmed from aircraft spraying. Now, he is the lead researcher for Geoengineering Watch and has investigated all levels of geoengineering from chemtrails to HAARP.

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See Also

Open Minds with Regina Meredith on GaiamTV

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Featuring interviews with thought-provoking luminaries, cutting-edge visionaries and tireless researchers, Open Minds provides crucial information to awaken viewers on their path to a shared, collective world wisdom.

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