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How to Talk So You Can Be Heard, Part I

How to Talk So You Can Be Heard, Part I



Discover the Secrets of Mind-Body Wellness

How to Talk So You Can Be Heard, Part I

Featuring Bill Stierle

How-to-talk_Bill-Stierle_GaiamTV_OMTimesPremiers Thursday, 16 January

How to talk, how to communicate, is one of the most important skills you can learn. In this remarkable interview with Lisa Garr, communication Specialist Bill Stierle shares how to use your whole brain to resolve conflicts, express your emotions and have your thoughts truly be heard.

Bill Stierle is a communication specialist who has been working with individuals, couples, and families for more than 25 years. He has coached thousands of people and has taught numerous workshops locally and nationally on topics that address the concerns about personal and professional effectiveness, relationships, and parenting. The material Bill presents is designed for people who want to create more ease and effectiveness within their relationships, both at home and work.

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Inspirations with Lisa Garr on GaiamTV

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Inspirations with Lisa Garr features leading-edge visionaries, spiritual teachers and inspiring innovators in personal development and mind-body wellness. You’ll explore ancient wisdom, gain personal insights and learn about spiritual enlightenment.

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