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Morphic Fields and the Universal Mind

Morphic Fields and the Universal Mind


On the Road with Lilou

Morphic Fields and the Universal Mind

Featuring Rupert Sheldrake

Premiers Friday, 10 January

morphic-fields_GaiamTV_OMTimesMany of us live under the illusion that we are all separate beings in a purely mechanical universe. As these illusions fade, the collective nature of consciousness comes to light. This consciousness is not only shared between humans, but with all things in the universe. Rupert Sheldrake, who originated the theory of morphic resonance, explains how morphic fields in shapes the expressions of physical form and consciousness in all life.

Rupert Sheldrake is a biologist and author of more than 80 scientific papers and 10 books including Science Set Free. He worked in developmental biology at Cambridge University, where he was a Fellow of Clare College. His theory of morphic fields and morphic resonance leads to a vision of a living universe with its own inherent memory.

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On the Road with Lilou on Gaiam TV

About On the Road with Lilou

Lilou Mace gets up close and personal with today’s top luminaries who are inspiring a new era of self-transformation and spiritual evolution for co-creators everywhere. You’re sure to enjoy Lilou’s fun, intriguing and conversational interviews. New episodes Fridays at 7 pm ET. Past episodes on demand daily.

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