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Paul Selig – The Book of Knowing and Worth

Paul Selig – The Book of Knowing and Worth


Paul Selig – The Book of Knowing and Worth

An Interview with Paul Selig

By Jill Virginia Mangino

In his breakthrough works of channeled literature Paul Selig recorded an extraordinary program for personal and planetary evolution as humankind awakens to its own divine nature. I Am the Word, The Book of Love and Creation and his newest addition to the trilogy The Book of Knowing and Worth, are energetic transmissions that works directly on its readers to bring them into alignment with the frequency of the Word, which Paul’s guides call the energy of “God in Action.”


Jill Mangino: You’ve spoken about an experience you had that opened you up spiritually. What happened?

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Paul Selig: I was raised something of an atheist on Manhattan’s Upper West Side. A spiritual life was something that I wasn’t privy to – since I didn’t know that it was available, I don’t think I knew to ask for it. When I was 25 years old I hit a wall. I had a list of things in my life that I had to achieve to make me okay, and I got the entire list. And I wasn’t okay. So out of sheer necessity I began to look for something more. This was 1987 and there was this thing that was supposed to be happening called the Harmonic Convergence. I was told that people were going to be waking up. The night before the event, I went up to my roof and I asked, quite simply, to be woken up. I think that at that particular point in my life, I believed that such a thing could actually be possible. And I had an experience. It was a feeling of energy coursing through my body, from the pit of my being and out through the top of my head. I don’t really know what happened, and some days I still think it’s somewhat possible that I self-induced it in some way, but the upshot was that I began seeing lights around people. Little light, like fire flies. It created an opening for me, and actually propelled me to keep looking. I began walking away from the life that I thought I was supposed to live towards the life I have now.

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