Paul Selig – The Book of Knowing and Worth
Jill Mangino: You often describe yourself as being like a radio. Can you explain this, and can anyone do what you do?
Paul Selig: My guides actually say that we’re all radios – we’re all tuning into different things all day long, and what we tune in to becomes our broadcast. They also say that we have a lot more choice than we think about what stations we tune-in to, and what our broadcast is. Their work with us, in many ways, is about supporting us in attuning ourselves to the higher frequencies that are now available to us.
A couple of years ago I was channeling a workshop at the Esalen Institute and my guides were teaching people how to work empathically and there was a woman who had never done anything like this before.
She was working with a partner and felt something in his chest that she said “wasn’t supposed to be there.” The guy opened his shirt and he had a medical port just where she had felt the obstruction. We all have these abilities, to varying degrees, and I believe that they can be developed. A lot of what my guides do, I think, is give people permission to access aspects of themselves that have always been there, but have, perhaps, been dormant.
Jill Mangino: You sometimes seem to be skeptical of your own gift, often interrupting the guides in your dictations and readings. Can you talk about this?
Paul Selig: When I’m channeling, I’m taking dictation, and often at a breakneck pace. If anyone has ever seen me work, it’s often like I’m propelled out of the chair on the first utterance and it doesn’t let up, sometimes, for an hour or so. It’s a strange position to be in. I’m a conscious channel, which means that I am aware, although my personality self is somewhat receded – I take a back seat while the channeling is in process.
I don’t think it’s necessarily bad for me to question the information that comes though me. I actually think it would be somewhat irresponsible if I didn’t.
The interruptions are included in the texts, and readers have actually said to me that they were grateful for them, as the questions I was having about the teachings were similar to their own. There’s a tremendous amount of energy that comes through when I work. It’s physically palpable, not only to me but by the people who comes to the workshops.
I’m grateful that the energy can be felt so strongly as it bypasses much of the intellectual resistance that I, or others, may have at times. As to my skepticism – I’m in a somewhat funny position. I’m someone that didn’t necessarily believe in channeling before I discovered that I had begun doing it. It’s not something I expected to do and nothing I planned on.
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