By Rev Marcy Ellen
To surrender one’s way of being can indeed seem frightening because of what it implies to the ego. To the ego the idea of surrender is basically correlated or entangled with the notion of losing or sacrificing something. The dynamic of the ego is such that it views itself as being involved in some kind of battle with anything and everything that poses a threat to its mere existence. It incessantly perceives every external circumstance as a form of competition and therefore it has the perspective that there must always be a winner and a loser, and not surprisingly it desperately desires to be the winner.
It is of course all an illusion as there can be no winners or losers in a world that is set up in a continual balancing act of duality. The moment your scale tips to one side and your ego perceives a gain, what it doesn’t realize is that the side of the scale that now shows a loss is still a part of itself or the whole. Everything in the universe is connected energetically, so it only steals from itself to give to itself and therefore there is no real loss and there is no real gain. When the ocean tides are being depleted in one area they are simultaneously rising in another. That is the nature of the universe.
However, because the ego has sunk its teeth into the idea of winning and losing, or gain and loss, it is terrified of the concept of surrendering. Upon hearing the word itself many people are instantly catapulted into a state of fear and anxiety. This is only because the ego sees surrender as an act of throwing in the towel. It is so conditioned to control, resist, and fight that to give up this illusory conflict feels like death to the ego.
Surrendering is anything but demise. It is actually a tremendous triumph. When we surrender we are taking our faith away from ourselves as individuals and placing it on or in something that is much greater and more omnipotent than us alone. We are putting our faith in universal karmic law and trusting that the Divine not only knows what we need but it knows more efficient and superior ways of getting those needs met.
Refusing to surrender our problems to a higher power is like trying to dig out a foundation for a house by ourselves with one tiny shovel while declining the help of a giant excavator that is just waiting on stand-by to take over. For an excavator the job of digging out a foundation is simple unless something is standing in its way. Imagine if the only thing that was standing in its way was a stubborn man or woman with a tiny shovel clamoring on about how he or she must do things their own way.
The man driving the excavator knows from experience that the person with the shovel will eventually give in but he can’t move forward until that person willingly surrenders on their own and moves out of the way. The person with the shovel will eventually tire, give in, and allow the excavator to take over but at what cost? How much time and energy do we spend proclaiming our stance and defending our meager abilities to dig our own holes? Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could supersede the ego right from the beginning, throw the shovel down, jump in the excavator alongside the Divine and just enjoy the ride?
Our lives would run so much more effectively if we could surrender all of our problems right when they started. All we need to do in order to let go is just trust that the universal laws that hold everything in perfect balance and harmony will also work in this same miraculous way when it comes to us and our problems. Life is unfolding seamlessly. Karma and the Law of Attraction are working continually and without fail. We have faith that a higher intelligence can create a universe in which the sun rises and sets every day and in which gravity holds everything in its place but when it comes to our minuscule issues, problems, and perceived deficiencies we lose our trust all together.
The universe works flawlessly when we step out of the way and just let things be. It is only when we entrust in ourselves alone that we get in our own way. When the ego gets involved with its little shovel, its persistence, and its need to control or to be right, that is when things stop flowing harmoniously. The situations in your life that you perceive to be the most critical are the situations that require the most surrender. More prevalent problems require more powerful excavators. Don’t make the mistake of allowing your ego to convince you that you can dig your way out of a problem all alone with a tiny shovel. Surrender and let go. Put down your shovel, get in the excavator, and pour that energy into something more constructive and uplifting.
When you hand your problems over to the Divine things get accomplished more swiftly, more resourcefully, and with much less collateral damage. Your ego may get bruised a little but so what. Your soul will grow and expand with faith and compassion, you will have a surplus of health and energy that you can channel creatively into more promising and hopeful outlets. But more importantly, you will experience serenity because you will be flowing with the currents of the universe rather than against them.
Surrender is not a loss, a defeat, or even a failure. It is a simply a shift from swimming against the currents to swimming with them, and with that energetic shift comes a force greater than you could ever experience on your own. You are an integral part of this supreme creation so claim your part. Take your place in this universe and surrender. Then watch as you become one while co-creating alongside the Divine.
To the Divine, surrendering is a genuine act of love because when you surrender you are saying to the universe, “I trust you know the best way to handle this and I’m grateful that you do.” It is a beautiful thing to step out of your own way lovingly, with faith in your heart and gratitude in your soul. Surrendering takes immense courage but it also reaps colossal rewards.
What crusade is your ego fighting right now? What shovel are you desperately clinging to? Are you exhausted from standing in your own way? If so, take a deep breath and look around you at all the things in this world that are working perfectly without your interference. Trust that you and your problems are no more difficult for the Divine to manage than anything else in the universe. Have faith in the perfection of the universal laws and drop your shovel. You, as much as anyone else in the world deserve peace, harmony, and joy. The moment you surrender is the moment your suffering will cease. So surrender, let go, and at last you will know peace.
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About the Author
Rev. Marcy Ellen is the author of The Soul Truth; Reflections for the Waking Soul. She is an energy healer, a spiritual channel, a Reiki Master, a contributor at Simple Love Advice, and a radio host with a Master of Divinity Degree from the University of Metaphysical Sciences.

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