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The Ecstasy of Surrender

The Ecstasy of Surrender

The Ecstasy of Surrender OMTimes

Judith Orloff MD announces the release of her new book, The Ecstasy of Surrender.

Book Spotlight – The Ecstasy of Surrender

Written by Judith Orloff MD



New York Times bestselling author, intuitive, and UCLA psychiatrist, Judith Orloff, M.D., has created a magical, results-oriented, book that is vital to thriving in our modern, task-heavy, constantly-wired lives. She considers this her most important book for compelling reasons. THE ECSTACY OF SURRENDER is a Super-Book that reveals everything you will ever need to know about when to let go versus when to assert control – the secret formula to success, pleasure, and happiness. It’s about the power and excitement of surrendering your life to yourself.

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Judith shows you how to free yourself from the prison of obligation, worry, stress, and the need to over-control that can dominate your entire life. It is about saying, “Enough!” and then surrendering to intuition, trust, humor, and joy in ways that you never imagined were possible.

Surrender is the antidote to stress in a world that relentlessly conspires to interrupt flow. It is not associated with loss or defeat. Surrender boosts your brain’s endorphins–euphoric, opiate-like pain killers–and serotonin, a natural antidepressant, which allow you to relax, have more fun and succeed more wildly than ever before. You can sabotage success by pushing too hard. Life becomes easier and more blissful when you can let go.

In THE ECSTACY OF SURRENDER, Judith has created 12 essential attitudes for a fearless and powerful life. Each chapter is a personal manifesto to guide readers through specific ways they can apply surrender to success, money, and communication, spirituality, how to read people, love and sexuality, the divinity of the body, illness, pain, aging, and immortality.  The powerful promise of this book, from succeeding in business to falling in love to accepting death, is letting yourself be catapulted beyond the ordinary to view all of existence in extraordinary terms.

Through passionate examples from her own life and those of thousands of patients and seminar participants who she has taught the art of surrender, Judith suggests, instructs, guides, makes you laugh and cry, and then just let go! When you come to the end of THE ECSTACY OF SURRENDER you realize that you are free to be who you are–finally and truly–and you are happier and healthier for it! This book is a friend to everyone who wants to conquer stress, and a life-long resource to return to again and again.

We urge you to read this book, give it to everyone you love. It is about surrendering to life’s rhythms and flow, to the sublime and the delightful, the mischievous, the painful and the beautiful, so that you end up with a truly well-lived life.

The Ecstasy of Surrender

See Also

Are you longing for your life to be easier and more fun? Would you like to stop pushing, micromanaging, and forcing things so you can relax? What if you could enjoy what you have instead of always lusting for “more”? What if you could live in “the zone,” propelled by powerful currents toward the right people and opportunities? What if you could stop worrying about money and live with more emotional ease in the moment? If you answer “yes” to all these questions and desire lasting positive change, then prepare to experience the ecstasy of surrender. The Ecstasy of Surrender is available in stores April 2014.


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About the Author

Dr. Orloff is a best-selling author, a psychiatrist, an empath, and is on the UCLA Psychiatric Clinical Faculty. She synthesizes the pearls of traditional medicine with cutting edge knowledge of intuition, energy, and spirituality. Dr. Orloff also specializes in treating empaths and highly sensitive people in her private practice.

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