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6 Tips for Becoming a Public Speaker

6 Tips for Becoming a Public Speaker

Doctor Prescribes Prescription for Becoming a Public Speaker

By Dr. Edward Kondrot

It is estimated that around 75 percent of the population suffer from glossophobia, or the fear of being a public speaker. For some, however, being a public speaker is something that they love to do. No matter what type of field someone is in, they can become an expert public speaker on the topic. They can even take that skill on the road and become an international recognized speaker.

“One of the best ways to establish yourself as an expert in your field is to become a public speaker,” explains Dr. Edward Kondrot, founder of the Healing the Eye & Wellness Center. “Not only do I enjoy it, but I have even gone on to speak international at various conferences and events. It’s a great way to contribute to my field.”

No stranger to giving speeches, Dr. Kondrot has two overseas speaking engagements booked for September. He will be presenting a case at the International Light Association meeting, which will take place in Antwerp, Belgium on September 22, 2013, as well as speaking at the IV World Congress in Rome from September 26-28, 2013, on the “Use of Ozone in Eye Disease.”

For those who would like to become an internationally recognized public speaker, Dr. Kondrot offers some tips:

6 Tips for Becoming a Public Speaker

[dropcap]1. [/dropcap]Publish a book. Having a book shows you have done a lot of research on the topic and likely have a lot of information to share. Dr. Kondrot is the author of three best-selling books, including “10 Essentials to Save Your Sight” (Advantage Media Group, July 2012).

[dropcap]2. [/dropcap]Become an expert. No matter what field someone is in, they could likely establish themselves as an expert in something. Determine what it is that you are an expert at by evaluating your education, skills, position, etc. This is going to help narrow down what it is that you will speak about.

[dropcap]3. [/dropcap]Get experience. If you are new to public speaking, start out by getting some experience. You can do this by speaking locally or on a state level. If you are not sure where to begin when it comes to how to speak in public, join a group like Toastmasters, or find out whether your local community college offers a course on the topic.

[dropcap]4. [/dropcap]Network. It is important to get on the radar screen of those who will help determine the speakers and presenters that they need for their events. You can do this by attending industry events and joining international organizations related to your field.

[dropcap]5. [/dropcap]Get the word out. In order for people to schedule you as a speaker for their even, they have to know you even offer such services. It is important to let the world know you are available for international speaking engagements. You can do this by adding information on your website, as well as by working with a public relations expert (PR), who can help get the word out for you.

[dropcap]6. [/dropcap]Cultivate relationships. Even if you meet someone and they have no speaking engagements in mind at the moment, you will still have a better chance later on of being booked for one if you build a relationship with the person. Keep in touch with those people so that, when the time comes that they need a speaker, they will think of you.

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“Another thing that people have to have, in order to become an international recognized speaker, is patience,” adds Dr. Kondrot. “An opportunity like this doesn’t usually happen overnight for most people. You have to work your way up to that point, establishing expertise and credibility every step along the way.”

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About the Author

Dr. Kondrot is the president of the Arizona Homeopathic and Integrative Medical Association. He has founded the Healing the Eye & Wellness Center, located just north of Tampa, Fla., which offers alternative and homeopathic routes to vision therapies known as the “Kondrot Program.” The program focuses on such conditions as macular degeneration, glaucoma, dry eye, cataracts, and others. His advanced programs have helped people from around the world restore their vision. The center sits on 50 acres of land and features a 14,000-square-foot state-of-the-art complex, an organic ranch, jogging trails, swimming pool, hot tub, and more. For more information, visit the site at

About Healing the Eye & Wellness Center

The Healing the Eye & Wellness Center is located 30 miles north of Tampa, in Dade City, Fla. Found by Dr. Edward Kondrot, the Center offers world-class alternative therapies for vision conditions, including color and vision therapy, the treatment of glaucoma, cataracts, macular degeneration, dry eye, and more. The center also offers a variety of seminars, webinars, and training sessions for others in the medical community. Dr. Kondrot is the world’s only board-certified ophthalmologist and board-certified homeopathic physician. He is also author of three best-selling books in the field. For more information, visit the site at

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