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12 Steps to Mojo – How to Grow Your Heart Flow

12 Steps to Mojo – How to Grow Your Heart Flow

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How’s your mojo?

12 Steps to Mojo – How to Grow Your Heart Flow

By Lisa Atkinson

Has this happened to you?  Love and life suddenly stall out.  Everything feels uphill. You start to wonder if you’ll ever feel that winky-ticklish feeling again.

It’s happened to me, too. You lost your mojo heart flow.

I’ve been there and back. Let me share what worked for me.

12 Steps to Mojo

1. Take a time out.  You deserve a break after all that you’ve been through.  Identify your stress triggers and stay away from them. Step away from the phone and restore yourself with rest, nourishing food, and time with supportive people. This will set a new relation foundation so that you can grow a whole new flow.

2. Flow with yoga. Bet you didn’t know. There are a lot of positions you can take that will actually move the mojo juices again!  Here is a simple start. Stand up straight. Then open your chest wider by stretching your arms out and back.  Breathe into this expansion and feel the mojo flow!  You can also get more “heart chakra” poses in the yoga books.

3. Sing your little heart out! Every gospel choir knows that singing “Ah!” has a powerful way of lifting the spirit and recharging your love flow.  Go ahead. Take a walk outside. Let your voice carry your heart’s desire to flow and grow around you. Let the tone lift your heart.

4. Hug a tree. Nature has a way of healing our woes.  Being outdoors can recharge the body, mind and soul. Get some fresh air. Let the sun hit your face and bake in some Vitamin D, one of the nutrients that helps fight depression.  Dance under the moonlight. Let your stars come out to play!

5. Spritz yourself.  Sea salt spray works wonders to help recharge your energy.  Find some sage sprays, palo-santo spritzer, and other clearing aerosols at crystal shops. If you love fragrance, try aromatherapy using rose, lotus, orange, or spruce to lift your spirits. Or just spray on your favorite perfume and savor the scent-sation!

6. Flex your mudras. Just as energy flows from body yoga, mudras support us with hand yoga. This is simple stuff. Everyone knows the peace sign. There is a special heart opening mudra: pinkie up, index finger tucked in, thumb touching the middle finger pads. Or use the sign language position that says, I Love You. Don’t be afraid to flash these to your friends.

7. Serve others. No matter how bad things get, there is somebody worse off than you! Go share your smile or even a meal. Donate your time or skills. Take a dog for a walk at the local shelter. Serve a homeless person a bowl of hot soup. Do a reality check. You are inspiring to people!

8. Nurture animals. The greatest companions often come with fur, feathers, or fins. Some people claim that animals are healing. Most pets forgive more quickly than people, which makes them profound teachers. Petting cats and dogs can even lower your blood pressure. Cozy up to a furry friend.

See Also
higher mind OMTimes

9. Speak in mantras. Yummy tones and sounds like “mmmm” can make you feel better instantly as they shake up your mouth and shift out the stuck stuff. Yam (y-ah-mmmmmm) is the Hindu mantra for balancing the heart chakra. Get centered, repeat the word and grow your heart flow!

10. Spoil yourself.  Do something nice and refreshing. Surprise yourself with a pampering bouquet or take a spontaneous walk down a meadow lane. Light candles so they glow all around your room.  Revitalize in a bubble bath. Make a cup of your favorite tea and sip it over fond memories. Get a pedicure. Fix your hair. Coddle yourself and watch your mojo grow.

11. Sip flower essences. Sure. You’ve heard of chamomile and lavender tea to relax you, but this is another type of elixir. There is no scent because the fresh flower petals are distilled in pure water or alcohol.  The essence works on subtle levels.  Try Lilac essence to support your ability to forgive. Holly Bach Flower Essence is useful for embodying more love. Check with your local health food store for supplies. Nature’s cupboard is overflowing with nourishing potions.

12. Reach out and connect. The most powerful way to restore heart flow is to engage with supportive people. When was the last time you called a friend?  Is there someone you’ve been meaning to write?  If not, call a counselor and vent or listen for fresh insights about the past. If you feel friendly, go to a local mixer and meet your neighbors. Expand your reach. Let your tribe show you their mojo!


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About the Author

Lisa Atkinson is a Certified Angel Therapy Practitioner, Graduate of Doreen Virtue’s Angel University, and Verified Psychic Medium, and creator of the Love Notes Oracle Cards and Guidebook.  She offers a variety of spiritual services and training courses through her site:

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