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Ask Whitedove – February 2014

Ask Whitedove – February 2014


Dear Whitedove

   I’m really trying to work towards becoming a better a human being.  My current issue is about judging people, especially someone that I just met.  Even though this person had a big smile on his face, I had an adverse reaction that gave me the creeps.  My gut feeling – I don’t like him. I’m wondering is this an unfounded judgment or am I sensing something more?  From No guts, No Glory in S.D.

Dear Guts and Glory,

When you first meet someone in-person, you step into their aura as you stand face to face. You are feeling their vibe on an intuitive and energetic level.  Do you get a warm fuzzy feeling? Do you feel uneasy?  Your gut reaction is your intuition at work. It’s important to listen to these signals, interpret and act on them.

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When you have strong reaction to someone that you’ve just met, it’s usually one of two reasons.  It could be a karmic relationship; you know this soul from previous lifetimes. Or as in this case, you are sensing that this person’s energy is very different from yours.  Police call it a gut instinct or a hunch.  With women we call it Mothers intuition.  When you feel an innate warning; act on it. This is not unfounded judgment; it is your intuition giving the cue to move away from that person.  If people would rely on their gut instincts more often it would allow them to be taken out of harm’s way.  So please don’t let your niceness, jeopardize your safety. Your intuition will serve you well.

About the Author

Columnist and Author Michelle Whitedove is an expert in her field and she has been featured on HBO, Bravo, Lifetime TV and interviewed by Matt Lauer on the Today Show. You can ASK Whitedove too, just email her at

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