Astrological Forecast for Week of February 17 2014

Third, we’re all suspended in the sea of life and soaking in each other’s signals, emotions and energies, whether we realize it or not. The Sun is moving into formless, we-are-all-one Pisces on Tuesday and meeting with its ruler, mystical Neptune, in a super-conjunction from Friday through Sunday.
This combination is hardly conducive to either brisk forward movement or logical thought, especially not with Mercury still retrograde. It is, however, ideal for telepathy, empathy and giving the helm over to something greater than your conscious mind — reverie, great art, a muse, guidance, compassion, magic, even bliss.
Work this. When a situation turns weird, when confusion crops up, when developments simply stop, hand the reins over. Be still. Get in an actual tub, if possible. Soak and simply be, and see what bubbles up. Life will turn hectic again soon enough. Think of now as spa time.
Monday: The early hours stir thoughts that are less than comfortable or comforting. The issues associated with them linger throughout the day. Figuring out what to do with other people is involved. Default approaches won’t work. New ones are necessary…hence the absence of comfort.
Tuesday: The morning has echoes of the drama, breakthrough and paradigm-exploding changes that surfaced around the beginning of the year. You are still emotionally processing, and your best response involves indulging in some nurturing, preferably of yourself. As the Sun begins its yearly, month-long stay in Pisces, the universal sea of life is rumbling with the inevitability of change. Resistance is futile. So are attempts to control. Still, the dis-ease has a motivating impact, making your agenda more certain — and probably spurring you to action, futile or not. Put writing materials by your bed; dreams are heading off the charts overnight. Don’t hesitate to ask for insight into any situation, and be sure to specify that (a) the answer come in imagery you understand and (b) you remember it.

Kathy Biehl has been a professional astrologer and psychic for more than 30 years. Book a private session with Kathy at, where you can sign up for her newsletter, listen to her weekly podcasts, and purchase her recordings. You can also follow her daily insights and whimsical photos on Facebook, and find her at the Professional Aquarian YouTube channel.