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Astrology Forecast for Week of February 24 2014

Astrology Forecast for Week of February 24 2014

Astrology Forecast for Week of February 24 2014

Astrology Forecast for Week of February 24 2014

by Kathy Biehl

Here is the Astrology Forecast for Week of February 24 2014: Winter may still be here for a while, but its quiet is vanishing, and fast. Last week’s introspection time is over.  The year’s relationship emphasis is kicking back into gear. The atmosphere is charged and hyperactive, but not necessarily forward ho! More like every which way, it’ll feel at times.

Core relationship definitions and issues are moving to the front burner, where they will simmer and sometimes boil over for the next 18 months or so. (The nodes of the Moon — points that represent our collective experience and past — are moving for that time into Aries and Libra, the axis that balances individuality with partnering.)

This week, the relationship dance starts with opportunity and builds to decisive action by Sunday.  Watch for an opening Monday to tie down or put form to a connection, as Venus, the goddess of love and all we value, reaches out to Saturn, the ruler of structure and commitment.  This isn’t mandatory, and you will have to step through the opening to gain its benefit.

See Also
2021 Scorpio New Moon

If you choose to stay off the dance floor, though, you’ll be on it by the weekend.  Demands, propositions or connections result when Venus clashes with her lover Mars, the god of war and ruler of our drive.  Mars is under the goddess’ command, since he is in Libra, a sign she rules, which means desire is dictating the action. Sparking between the cosmic lovers can spawn passion down here on earth; that could translate into frustration or anger as easily as it could more pleasurable fieriness.

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