Clearing the Air of Chemtrails

Healing Matrix with Regina Meredith
Clearing the Air of Chemtrails
Featuring Ken Rohla
Premiers Wednesday, 26 February
Chemtrails are becoming a daily reality for an increasing number of people whose health is being negatively impacted. We need to find an easy way to clear the air of these harmful particles and reverse the damage being done. The answers we seek may found with orgone technology and the power of consciousness. Ken Rohla has studied the causes and effects of weather modification and offers ways we can neutralize chemtrails.
Ken Rohla is a natural health educator and inventor who specializes in rejuvenation and cellular regeneration. As a cutting-edge researcher, he has studied with many pioneers in the sciences and natural health movement. In order to find the most effective solutions for the least amount of money, Ken uses and tests everything that he recommends. He lives what he teaches so he knows what really works, and what doesn’t.
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Healing Matrix with Regina Meredith on GaiamTV
Healing Matrix with Regina Meredith explores a range of alternative health modalities. The show seeks to empower viewers with the tools they need to help heal themselves, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

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