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Cord Blood Benefits

Cord Blood Benefits


Healing Matrix with Regina Meredith

Cord Blood Benefits

cord-blood_GaiamTV_OMTimesFeaturing Charis Ober

Premiers Wednesday, 19 February

The greatest challenge of stem cell research is incompatibility between patient and donor. This has been solved by using the patient’s own umbilical cord blood. Now, cord banks and cord blood registries are opening all over the world. Charis Ober, who works with the Tucson Cord Blood Registry, explains the history of stem cell therapy and how these advancements help doctors treat previously untreatable conditions.

While Charis Ober was working in the biotech and pharmaceutical industries, she had a life-changing experience when she toured a cord blood bank in Tucson, Arizona along with Anne Sarabia. During their tour, they met two extraordinary children who had received life-saving cord blood transplants. It was then that Charis and Anne decided that no cord blood should go to waste and so they cofounded the Save the Cord Foundation.

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See Also

Healing Matrix with Regina Meredith on GaiamTV


Healing Matrix with Regina Meredith explores a range of alternative health modalities. The show seeks to empower viewers with the tools they need to help heal themselves, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

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