The Crisis Point And The Astrological Turning Of Our Times
by Robert Phoenix
We have reached a crisis point with the astrological turning of our times: it is the Time of the Outer Planets.
We live in a time of great struggle, challenge and change. Whether or not we want it or agree with it, the old world is dying, One day, a great wave of melancholy will rise up from the masses, weeping and sobbing for the end of our innocence. This is our trial by fire. This is the voice of the collective will, trying to annunciate the inchoate primacy of our own deliverance from a world that takes more than it gives while harboring the deranged psychopaths who are ready to put a slash and burn on humanity at large. One only has to read the signs, like the Georgia Guidestones which advocate an existence of roughly three-to-seven million people, in total, on the planet. This is a potential future that we are staring down as the custodians of this world are convinced of their superiority by the manipulation of markets and minds, that they are the ones endowed with the knowledge and intestinal fortitude to, “make the hard choices.”
Our water is being fracked, our foods are being hacked and our bodies, constantly under attack.
If you are still reading this, you’re probably a person that is deeply invested in this planet, in this dimension. Congratulations.
When I was asked to write something for OMTimes, I decided to talk about the outer planets, because it’s the titanic forces of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto that are determining how all of this plays out. The world will be a very different place, twenty-years from now and our own story might look more like a footnote than a classic denouement of deliverance.
The choices we make, the thoughts we harbor, the goals we set, the love in our hearts will determine if the entire notion of being human will be regarded as quaint and antiquated.
The father of “The Singularity,” Ray Kurzweil (Aquarius) is now head of engineering at Google. Since Kurzweil has been there, Google has purchased eight robotics companies over just the past six months. We will soon be sharing our skies with drones, our streets with robotic meter maids, and our hospitals with servo nurses. It is coming and when it does, there will be the need for a lot less of us.
Just like the 1964, World’s Fair in New York, which opened under Saturn in Pisces at 0 degrees, on 4/22/64. However, all of the planning, messaging and marketing of the fair took place under Saturn in Aquarius. Here we see our future plotted and planned by the likes of G.M., DuPont, Kodak, Bell Telephone and Monsanto. Saturn is the bringer of form and discipleship. We were shown great things that would create less work and provide us with more leisure. TV phones, floating cars, space age kitchens that could prepare frozen and dried foods in just minutes were just a few of the modern conveniences that awaited us.
Humans can be quite motivated and directed on an individual level, but as a group, we tend to desire comfort and convenience along with the path of least resistance. If goes back into our DNA when most of humanity was under some sort of conscription and hard life, while the lords of the land lived in elevated comforts. Somewhere, deep inside of us, we yearn for the good life and as a result are played upon. Materialism and science have been the most alluring and intoxicating demi-gods of the 20th century. Their messenger to the spirit of man is “convenience.” Convenience, not pestilence, plague or death has the potential to manifest as the anti-christ.
And so it will be as we are sold on pizzas delivered hot and accurately to our doorstep by radiant roto-gyros, who by the way, won’t even need that pesky tip.
Want to hand the wheel over to your car in rush hour while you watch a movie? No problem? Your car will be happy to pilot and take over. We’re getting ahead of ourselves just a bit, but I at least have to share with you where this is all going. Pluto arrives in Aquarius on the morning of March 24th, 2023, where Saturn will be positioned at one degree Pisces, just one degree after the 0 Saturn in Pisces of the 1964, World’s Fair., with Saturn in Aquarius blazing the trail, leading the way, just as it did in 1962 and 1963, hatching the future, seducing the promise and allure of the rising middle class, only this time, it will be much, much different.
But let’s step back a bit before I’m accused of being a regressive luddite (there could be worse things).
Right now, Pluto is in Capricorn and it’s been in that sign since 2009, which coalesced with both the arrival of Barack Obama and the great bailout. Immediately, we saw the government get in bed with AIG, GM, Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac. They crossed a critical line by personally investing in “Solyndra” even though they knew that Solyndra’s solar tubes couldn’t keep up with low cost version produced by the Chinese. They were out of their investment capital within eighteen-months.
Normally, the government will ease restrictions on certain businesses, while offering up low interest loans to juice a particular sector, not one, specific company, but this was the sign of things to come, a new model, a hybrid of government and business would emerge like a monolithic hydra.
Monsanto’s Mike Taylor moved into being the Deputy Commissioner for Foods, with the FDA. He helped pen the pernicious Food Safety Act which will ultimately impose greater restrictions on small and independent famers, by pricing them out of having their food tested. Big agra giants like Monsanto, United and Con Agra have no problem paying fees upwards of $150,000 to test a single run of corn or cheese.
There used to be a modicum of restraint when the government and big business got together. Now, it’s like the Weimar Republic meets Wall Street; Dirty deals are no big deal and they go down in the bars and cafes in places like Georgetown, Manhattan and Arlington.
Musolini had a word for this type of arrangement; He called it, “Fascism.”
Fast forward to 2014, the web site for the Affordable Care Act is the butt of late-night-comedians jokes. Michelle Obama’s Princeton pal, Toni Townes-Whitney, senior VP at CGI was the recipient of a no bid contract to the tune of $678 million to launch the site.
Two month’s later, Accenture, the company that runs websites for the IRS and the US Department of Education and the US Census Bureau has now taken over the running of ACA’s flailing, web portal. Yet another, bad example of crony capitalism done barely in the open. Why didn’t the Obama administration simply use Accenture from the start?
This is just the tip of the iceberg for Pluto in Cap. We’re not even halfway through it!
I’m not saying that the human spirit is entirely snuffed out, but it’s getting more and more difficult. People who grow gardens in their front yard instead of grass are told by their city or county drones, to till their little victory plots or suffer stiff fines.
Beneath the spinning wheel of our time, people understand that the world at large has lost touch with some incredibly important values, but unless it’s the tolerant voice of the vox populi, dissent will not be allowed. Agencies will determine what’s sustainable, not the individual.
This is the challenge of our time, where the proverbial rubber hits the road. If you don’t like the assemblage of this particular matrix, it is getting harder and harder to opt out, even in the most passive of ways. Top down bullet points and the rules of order trickle down, just like they do from the organizational apex of any Fortune 500 company.
On April 23rd of this year, this will be on full display in the days before and after a massive, Cardinal Cross, with Pluto in Cap 13, Uranus in Aries 13, Mars in Libra 13 and Jupiter in Cancer, also 13. The pressure will be more than just palpable. It has the potential to spill into the streets.
The opposite of Capricorn is Cancer and here we see the evocation of a different set of values, much more organic and nature based, closer to the rhythms. cycles and needs of our human experience. While Pluto in Cap dominates the headlines, quietly, people are seeking to reclaim something of real value in their lives. Shows like “American Pickers” and “Duck Dynasty” are media created examples of this Cancerian energy pushing through. Whether or not you agree with Phil Robertson, doesn’t really matter in some ways. The popularity of the show screams Cancer with it’s hokey family tales of some good ole bumpkins just preaching’ the gospel and drinking sweet tea.
It’s just the most blatant example of this undercurrent coursing through out society. There are other, far less ostentatious and much more personal examples of this desire to return to simpler and more connected life starting to emerge. In fact, I predict a backlash at some point with social media. It will never go away, but it will lose it’s luster and popularity. I see it already as people drop off Facebook and leave their cell phones at home as some sort of mild protest against their hand held tyranny.
Uranus in Aries doesn’t always like Pluto in Capricorn. Aries is the individual and Uranus is the thunder crack, the lightning bolt of change. We saw an early manifestation of it’s self-organizing powers during the revolutions in Egypt, Turkey and Ukraine and to some extent, Yemen. Powered by the aforementioned cell phone, Facebook and Twitter, people decided they had had enough (Uranus) and in the case of Egypt with the military (Aries), they ousted the Morsi government.
As Pluto and Uranus keep squaring off, the desire to express and liberate grows stronger with each celestial grind of the square. These are the forces of liberation and the locus of control being called into the octagon of the universe. Two enter, but does only one leave?
Between 1927 and 1934, Uranus was in Aries and we saw all of the great inventions of the 20th Century have their genesis; radar, jet engines, sonar, television, complex polymers, even the computer were hatched and then quickly deployed on the field of war, in WWII. We find ourselves staring down the rapid advancement of technology once more, but the results might be far less enlightening on the collective level, which is dominated by profit and control. However, never before have some of these technological tools been so ubiquitous. The mind of Tesla helped pave the way for many of the inventions of Uranus in Aries. Will the spirit of Tesla rise again in the form of human genius? Will we see a planet of Teslas so that the suppression of radical technology will no longer be feasible? Or will Ray Kurzweil and his “singulartarians” have the last laugh as they flex their 300+ IQs and 150+ year lifespans? You don’t think that all that money that Bill Gates or Peter Thiel or Larry Page have accrued is going to become irrelevant to those little, nagging trivialities called “aging” or “death” do you?
Life extension technologies will be the most powerful drug of the super rich. However, just like Pluto in Capricorn evoking it’s opposite, so will Uranus in Aries, however, Uranus puts the freak on whatever sign opposes it. Here we see Libra and the call for same sex marriage, polyamory and polygamy. Do you think the residents of Utah are going to let this opportunity to legitimize their type of marriage go to waste? Uranus in Aries creates unusual bedfellows.
Amidst these two, titanic forces, duking it out, Neptune in Pisces, quietly, deeply, sacredly moves through the undercurrent of our times. It manifests in people like Russell Brand and David Lynch meditating in public. it’s in some ways, the rise mysticism reflected in symbols used by secret societies. Sigils on t-shirts and caps are not uncommon amongst today’s youth. Unlike Pluto and Uranus, Neptune isn’t a force, it’s a field, or rather more like a vast space that has the power to permeate in all and through all things. It is the light of the Piscean Age coming forward for the final stages of integration. Don’t underestimate this power. The desire to get closer to that which we call “God” or “Spirit” will take on a greater significance as our times continue their turbulent spin. People will be searching, high and low for the spiritual answers in our time of challenge and darkness. This has the potential to accelerate us and quicken our collective spirit, but it also has the power to present us with “false prophets” whose solutions are just too good or too easy. Remember, convenience is the Antichrist.
But with Chiron also in Pisces, we see the wounding and suffering of our waters, fracked, our fish, mutated, our skies filled with artificial vapors. We have to address this Piscean wound before we can truly realize that we are already home. We must admit that we are deeply cut off from our true, emotional bodies and enter into the wound of this world, to see the Samsara, clearly, plainly and unflinching. Once we can begin to approach that personal and collective space, the grace of God/Love via Neptune in Pisces rises up, cleanses us, purifies us and we can truly begin the process of living, together, as one.
Now none of this negates the individual’s effort to “be there now” and in fact, it might be an interesting practice in time travel for some people with hearts big enough to match their imagination to arrive early.
2014 will be very intense and the safety of our social and personal structures will be challenged like never before. But when I came here many lives ago, I saw the promise and potential of this extremely unique species. You are here now, for a reason. Commit to it and don’t flinch. If we assist one another, we can in the parlance of Neptunian language, turn the tide.
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About Robert Phoenix
As an astrologer, writer and radio host, Robert Phoenix has been doing tarot, astrological and psychic readings for 20 years. His methodology blends mundane astrology, mythology and Jungian psychology to provide spiritual guidance. He describes the process as a conversation taking place between his and his clients’ higher selves. He is currently the host of Gaiam TV’s newest show The Eleventh House. New episodes premiere every Friday. Watch now with your FREE 10-day trial to Gaiam TV.
Connect with Robert on his website
About The Eleventh House
In astrology, the eleventh house represents groups, organizations, humanitarian causes, as well as social ills and injustices. Ruled by Aquarius, it inspires the spiritual and idealistic social forces that will ease our transition into the Age of Aquarius. Journey with RobertPhoenix through The Eleventh House to explore the astrology, symbolism, and meta-nature of key events that are shaping our society and collective destiny.
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