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Danette May: The Healthy Living Expert with Heart!

Danette May: The Healthy Living Expert with Heart!


cooking-in-the-kitchen-book-cover-photo-800x1202Danette May: Five years ago, I lost my son at birth. I experienced deep depression as my dreams of being a mother to a boy vanished in mere hours. My body literally craved him as I went through all the physical changes of having a baby. It wanted to feed him, hold him, and it called out in pain for months, as I had to wait as these changes subsided.

My once athletic, exuberant body & spirit, turned into a body & mind that wanted to stay in bed. It was not until I pried (I mean literally pried), myself out of bed and started with small walks around the block, that I saw my spirit open again. I saw with each step of movement, how my heart was mending. It was an opening of understanding how movement/exercise releases depression & mends the soul.

After going through a divorce, financial struggle, and the realization of being a ?single mom to two beautiful girls whom I love. All the excuses I heard my clients ring out, where raging in my head; depression, lack of time, exhaustion, and a whole array of emotions and fears flung at me. It was during this time, I ?really understood how this program could help many people.

JVM: Sounds like it gave you compassion?

See Also

 Danette May: Yes, during this time, I emotionally wanted to curl up in bed, eat comfort foods, and not crawl out until the storm was over. Ok, I tried a couple days of it and it only spun me farther down. I began in those two days to lose hope. I wondered if I would live out my dreams. My body felt terrible, my mind was lethargic, and I was no use to anyone, especially my precious children. It was during this episode in my life that I began seeing with even clearer eyes the importance of eating clean and exercising daily.

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