Return of Goddess Demeter – Deity of Agriculture

Return of Goddess Demeter
By Nancy Oakes
When we speak of the return of Goddess Demeter, or of Sophia, Mother of the Universe, Wisdom or even the prophesied Second Coming of Jesus, (which has already happened), we are speaking of a spiritual return of an eternal message, a spirit, an eternal sacred energy, that spirit constantly returning manifesting itself into physical beings. This power and courage that is beyond human understanding is evident in those like Mary Magdalene, Hildegard of Bingen, Joan of Ark, Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Aung San Suu Kyi, Nelson Mandela and a young girl named Malala Yousafzai, living in Swat Valley, Pakistan who had the courage to speak out against the cruelty of the militant Taliban rulers. Connected to a higher power, rising to a higher consciousness, calling on this powerful feminine energy, provided them the courage even in the face of death to stand up to tyranny. The eternal messages of truth are received, although by different genders and centuries apart. Religious, political, and spiritual freedom, is the eternal gold thread that binds humanity together, encoded into our DNA from the gods and goddesses.
Goddess Demeter was the daughter of Zeus and Hera, great granddaughter of Gaia (Mother Earth) and Uranus (Father Earth), Mother Father God, arrived on Earth about 1600 BC. She was known as the personification of the sacred law, holding the keys to the mysteries and the cycles of life and death. She has been called “Corn Mother”, who blesses the harvesters. The Great Thinkers of Greece (demigods), around 427 BC, Plato, Homer, Socrates, etc. described her as blond haired, light eyes and lovely. She was recorded as a powerful Goddess unafraid, a warrior in her own rights. Her image is preserved for humanity in paintings, pieces of art, stone statues, and on walls of great libraries and church all over Europe. Also Goddess Demeter’s assignment with humankind was to teach agriculture, and the planting of grains. Thus she was recognized as the giver of food and grain by man, the gods, goddess, and the demigods (off springs, of the star gods and goddess.)
Modern scholars mark the beginning of human civilization with the development of agriculture around 10,000 BC, which coincides with Goddess Demeter’s presence on earth. Goddess Demeter arrived along with many others gods and goddesses during a period known as the Golden Age. The arrival of the gods and goddesses was intentional and specific. This period of enlightenment also instructed mankind, with the guidance of the gods and goddesses, in the skills of stonework, ironwork, agriculture, astrology, time keeping, psychology, philosophy, mathematics, engineering, and literature. These mysteries handed down by the gods, and goddesses took man to the next step in evolution. Why then? Within the Divine Plan, the gods and goddesses could only come to the aid of man when they were ready for the next step of conscious evolution. Until this time mankind were not capable of receiving the information. Prior to the Golden Age man had very little use of his intellect because the human body, soul, and spirit were not connected to the “Source” of all creation. Much of their daily existence was simply survival.
Humanities DNA became altered because of co-mingling of god and humankind, thus humankind became godlike. The descendants of the star gods and goddesses (the gods called them mutated man, demigods) have as a matter of record a unique blood type, referred to as Rh-negative blood type. Traceable today, recognize as rare, and unexplainable by science, those with this blood type are considered a different species from all other humans on the planet. Therefore in an emergency situation people who have this blood type cannot receive any other blood type, death can even result for those mistakenly receiving blood other than Rh-negative type. However they can give blood to anyone, thus being designated “A Universal Donor”.
Eventually because of this sacred union between humankind, gods and goddesses humanities DNA became godly imprinted (altered). During that period, the Golden Age, humankind began to develop the section of the brain, directly connected to intelligence, memory, and thought. You might think that experiment was successful, you would be partially correct.
Goddess Demeter like all the immortal gods and goddesses, including Goddess Sophia, Wisdom, came from other star systems, with the main purpose of elevating man above the human sphere into the divine and to assure his redemption by making him a god, and so conferring immortality upon him. Thus for millenniums, with their sacred knowledge the gods and goddess began to aid humankind in their greatest evolution towards higher conscious. However eventually this knowledge was seen as a threat by the authority that understood the power of such freedom and sacred enlightenment. Thus the gods and goddesses were reduced to a myth and eventually destroyed by the Roman Christian movement. This separation and loss of connection has allowed for over 6,000 years the enslavement of humanity, mentally, spiritually and physically. Just as in the first Golden Age, it is time for the next step in the evolution of humankind. As we enter into this era of higher consciousness, we beckon the great Goddess back to guide and aid in the healing of Mother Earth, and humanity. Because we remember, and are able to reconnect, the process is going very quickly. Every day we see the results of the returning of the power of the Goddess energy in the actions of courageous light workers, angels, guides and guardians. A remembrance is happening for millions of people who know in their hearts it is time to step to the next level of evolution to accept a higher vibration and consciousness. Freedom is obtainable for the people of Earth, and with that new freedom we will see thriving communities with people harvesting their gardens of vegetables and grain, just as Goddess Demeter instructed.
An exciting event is happening in New Mexico, a human courageous enough to accept an assignment, she understand is for the continued freedom of future generations. Because of a vision seen by an elder a seed house has been built for the specific purpose of protecting seeds. Grandmother Flordemayo, as she is known, is a member of the International Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers. The International Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers is an international alliance of indigenous female elders that focuses on issues such as the environment, internationalism, and human rights.
Grandmother Flordemayo with others of like mind, have established an organization called The Path Seedkeepers. The Path Seedkeepers are excited to announce the completion of the Sacred Seed Temple located in Estancia, New Mexico. The purpose of the Seed Temple is to preserve, propagate and protect seeds of heritage, heirloom or endangered crop species and varieties for future generations. In the spirit of community service, these seeds will be shared so families and our youth can benefit from their goodness.
To find out more about the Path’s Sacred Seed Templin you can email:
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About the Author
Nancy is the CEO of the “Spiritual Life Style Center.” She is a member of the Free Cherokee, and an adopted member of the United Lenape Band She is also an activist for the Freedom of Tibet, and the preservation of sacred life on this planet.
Her first book will be available on March 2014, The Return of Sophia, Mother of the Universe. You can contact her at her email address of,

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