Eye of God

Eye of God
By Guy Joseph Ale DBA
The proverbial eye of god through which the universe sees me is also the eye through which I see the universe. As far as we know at present, we humans are the most advanced intelligence existing in the world. We are made of the same ingredients of energy and matter as everything else in the cosmos. As strange as this may seem on the surface, on a molecular level there is no difference between me, you, the screen on which you read this sentence, and planet Mars. This consciousness animates every object in the world, and in humankind it finds its language, vocabulary, an ability to reflect on itself, understand itself, and evolve further.
The last century has given us more scientific discoveries than the entire preceding human history before it. We are the first generation to know the geometry, material composition, and evolution of the universe. Technological advances of long-distance telescopes such as Hubble and Planck have enabled us to see deeper into the cosmos than was previously possible and get a clear picture of the position of galaxies in space and time.
New cosmology shows us that we are a product of exploding stars. We are made of stardust. The carbon in our body could not be created in the universe by any other means than through the collapse and explosion of a star. We are a further incarnation of a star. Stars go through the cycle of birth and death to allow the birth of humans. We are embedded in this evolutionary process: science calls this Self-Organizing Dynamics, spiritual traditions call this The Source, and religion calls this God.
We are the designated eyes, ears, and mind of the cosmos. As we reflect on the universe, we also reflect on ourselves at the same time. We cannot claim that we have reached the end of our evolutionary path – there seems to be in us an inborn desire to develop further mentally, intellectually, spiritually, and physically. The path on which we walk unfolds as we advance.
The work of Joel Primack, professor of physics at the University of California, Santa Cruz, shows that we happen to be living at the midpoint of the best period for life on earth. This began about 500 million years ago, when thanks to microorganisms the Earth acquired the oxygen-rich atmosphere which is essential for our breathing. It’ll end approximately 500 million years from now, because the Sun is getting steadily warmer. At that point it’ll get so hot that it’ll evaporate all the water necessary for life. So, humankind has another 500 million years of evolution on this planet. In which direction might we develop?
The human brain contains roughly 100 billion neurons, or nerve cells, about the number of stars in a galaxy. However, as Caltech physicist Leonard Mlodinow points out, the stars hardly interact with each other, while a typical neuron in our brain is connected to thousands of others. This makes our body far more complex than the world of galaxies and stars. But today we know a lot more about the universe at large than we know about the world inside us.
Each thing that any of us can do, every one of us is capable of doing in potentia. We are individual manifestations of the cosmic whole – the consciousness permeating the universe. Our personalities consist of the same ingredients in different proportions. Some of us have more courage, or more mathematical skills, or better physical ability as part of our inherited makeup, but we all have all those components in varying degrees. By focusing our attention on a particular capacity, we can enhance it and multiply it. When a new ability is added to the shared vocabulary of human existence, that potential becomes available to every member of the species.
You are a culmination of everything that came before you,
and in you there is a promise of everything that will come.
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About the Author
Guy is President of Lifespan Seminar and Vice President of Asia Pacific Association of Psychology. He received the Eminent in Psychological Science Award at the International Conference on Psychology 2011 “in recognition of invaluable contributions for the benefit of humanity.” Guy teaches and conducts workshops in the US, Europe and Asia. This excerpt is from his upcoming book, Best Version of Yourself at Every Age: Tapping the Wisdom and Wellness of Your Body. Contact Guy at: info@lifespanseminar.com

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