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Love, Love, Love Is All You Need

Love, Love, Love Is All You Need


by Shivana Pateras

“Love is all I need to fix my world” ~ Louise Hay

Society as it is today can seem somewhat divided. On one hand chronic illness, diabetes, heart disease, and obesity is at an all time high, on the other hand, a shift. Ever so slowly, each at their own pace, one by one, humanity is awakening and starting to realize their unique potential for self mastery and healing. But the question remains, how can we bridge the gap? The gap between what can sometimes feel like two extremes of the very same pole?

The philosophical text The Kybalion as written and based on the Hermetic axiom “As Above, So Below” teaches about the Principle of Polarity which offers a practical tool for living and manifesting a life of alignment with your co- creative source. It states that everything exists in polarity, for example, in matters of finances: on one end of the pole is the scarcity mindset and not having enough money to meet your needs and on the other end of that same pole is the mindset of abundance and having more than enough to share. Both systems of beliefs are on opposite ends but with the opportunity of varying degrees of enfoldment in between and can also be applied to our beliefs about our health and relationships and such. So how do we bridge the gap from what can sometime feel like one extreme or the other?

The answer: LOVE.

You have to love yourself enough to want to embrace your true nature, which is pure spirit connected to source. It is only through loving ourselves we are truly able to love another and be a part of a healthy, supportive and balanced relationship. By loving ourselves we say that we are worthy of nourishing our physical, mental and emotional bodies by feeding ourselves healthful and nourishing foods, getting much needed and restful sleep and by exercising. By moving our body we create movement in our life. By embracing our worthiness, we choose to surround ourselves with loving and supportive friendships and relationships. By choosing love, you are lifting your energy and soul to the highest level of vibrations, connecting directly to the Universe and Source or God from which all things are created. Loving ourselves enough to choose forgiveness over self-judgements and anger. To fully understand that while sadness, loss and grief may have been necessary life lessons, suffering is not.

Now is the time for you to release your suffering and realize your truths! Choose love today! When you wake up first thing in the morning, look into the mirror (messy hair, morning breath and all), look into your own eyes and say to yourself “I love you, I truly love and forgive you and promise to nourish you with positive thoughts and actions today”. This may be difficult at first but with daily practice you will soon bear witness to the most powerful transformations in your life. Repeating an affirmation, “I graciously give and receive love daily” helps to reprogram your subconscious mind from negative thought patterns to more supportive thinking. There is also a powerful Hawaiian healing technique called Ho’oponopono (ho opono pono). It’s a prayer which can clear negative mind chatter, release fears and limiting beliefs and change the energy of any negative circumstance to positive by simply repeating these four phrases to yourself: “I’m sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you, I love You”

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About the Author

Shivana Pateras, C.N.H.P. is a Holistic Health Practitioner, Akashic Records Consultant, and Reiki Master, specialized in many modalities of Spiritual Healing and Energy Medicine. Through her private practice and spiritual teaching her vision is to be an instrument of Love, Light and Service to you on your journey of Healing and Self-Discovery. You can learn more about her work at and connect through social media; facebook, twitter and LinkedIn.

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