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Align with your Truth, Power and Joy with Love

Align with your Truth, Power and Joy with Love


By Veronica Lee

align-with-your-truth_OMTimesAlthough you may not want to admit it, most have some kind of resistance to align with your truth, power and joy. In spite of our striving, we often settle for far less and become comfortable with good enough. However, as a collective, we are opening to deeper parts of ourselves than ever before.

Globally and individually, we are discovering there are significant consequences to whether we choose to reject or accept ourselves. With rejection, we experience blocks, depression, feelings of worthlessness, confusion and a general emptiness in our lives, and our actions reflect even the most subtlest of our rejections. Aligning with authenticity, self-empowerment and joy, on the other hand, drives our actions to support a promising world and meaningful lives.

In centuries past, living with mediocrity was accepted as status quo with only a minority seeking and cultivating truly fulfilling lives. Rejection of self and joy was considered humble, and even holy, while power was limited to a select few who usually misused it. Unfortunately, some of these limiting patterns are deeply embedded in our consciousness.

Thankfully though, as we’ve evolved, not only have we recognized that the individual has worth, we’ve deemed the pursuit of happiness to be a fundamental right, as is personal empowerment. Yet, declaring such values and living them may not always go hand in hand. With financial demands, social constraints, and a plethora of obligations, we often find ourselves unconsciously disconnected from our truth, power and joy even when we believe we are pursuing them. As we navigate our way through the bombardment of have-to’s, limiting rules and beliefs, and our occasional bouts of unworthiness, we may find ourselves living within the confines of partial-truth, just-enough-empowerment, and semi-joy. Yet, our soul’s tolerance for mere survival and unsatisfactory living has reached its limit.

As conscious individuals, we came here to enlighten the world and mediocrity is no longer an option.

Our personal disappointments, whether or not we believe we’ve contributed to them, stem from our rejection of, or misalignment with, our essential truth, power and joy. Fortunately, since we have been collectively resisting who we are and are now ready to awaken and realign with our true nature, millions of people are seeking ways to heal these misperceptions, and various tools have become available to us.

As practical individuals, many of us benefit from step-by-step guidance or outside assistance to overcome our obstacles. Yet, as we embark on this journey to connect with our essence, we will increasingly experience the layers, dimensions, and formlessness of our souls, as well as our perceived obstacles. We will see, and perhaps appreciate, the multifaceted complexity we face. We can let this overwhelm or stop us from clearing old patterns and realigning with our core, or we can delight in awe over the incredible interplay of spirit and matter.

The complexity of our soul, as well as the issues we face, are indications of our incredible nature.

If we think of our blocks as protective veils that have been put into place by our higher selves to preserve us for grander times, it helps dissolve the shame and blame that our egos might want to seize and use against us. We can recognize the forces our spirit had to employ to make us believe we are anything less than holy. As well, we can use those same forces to release this fundamental misconception. In reality, our veils are as thin as light and can be released at any time.

For a moment, let’s look at the basic ways we avoid – consciously or not – our truth, power or joy: 

  • We don’t see our own gifts
  • We tend to minimize what we do, or believe we should be doing more
  • We block our flow with should’s or distractions
  • We try to hide our divinity
  • We don’t believe we are worthy of being the essence of Love that we are
  • We feel somewhat aligned, but hold back because of beliefs, concerns or fears
  • We feel stuck and wonder what we are doing wrong
  • We compare ourselves to others, elevate them and/or try to emulate them without success
  • We don’t believe that aligning with our truth, power or joy could really be that simple

Fortunately, it really can be that simple! Acknowledging your challenges, opening to their gifts and offering them Love are the simplest ways to integrate your truth, power and joy. Whether you choose to seek support from another person, find resources to guide you, or take an individual approach, it is important to incorporate Love.

Not necessarily easy or instant, the bottom line is that pure, unconditional Love changes everything.

Are you ready to let Love help you align with your Truth, Power and Joy?

You can take these suggestions in and contemplate them over a period of days or weeks, or focus your attention on one area of your life and use them as the foundation of a dedicated processing session you offer yourself:

Recognize your essence is Truth, Power and Joy. Though your ego may forget, or your circumstances may look otherwise, you are Divine, Perfect Love – right now and always… and in all ways – and are simply experiencing the interesting parameters of being human.

Observe your “shortcomings” with neutrality. Whether you feel inadequate, are frustrated with a particular area of your life, or have come across a confusing obstacle, learn to sit and be with the situation, including your feelings about it, with neutral wonder. Become aware of the obstacle. Observe it. Feel what comes up for you. Notice and allow.

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Look deeper. Open yourself to exploring the “whys” beneath the surface. Were you shamed as a child? Does having power frighten you? Do you feel guilty when you’re happy? As you discover the obstacles, ask, “Why is this here? What do I have to gain from this?” Explore your questions with wonder.

Hold space for your revelations. You don’t need to chase your “whys” down a rabbit hole, but once you discover the underlying causes, again sit with them. Allow them to expand, feel into the stories and concerns, let them become a tsunami and wash over you. Feel, watch, and allow your issues to become as deep and expansive as your soul. Stay with your experience for as long as you can.

Discover the need. If you imagine every aspect of you craving recognition, you may also notice all the former attempts at communication. Was your body growing sick or weary? Do you keep falling into the same pit? As you become keenly in tune with the core energies that keep you from your truth, power or joy, ask if there are any messages that wish to be conveyed, or needs that yearn to be met. Listen with an open heart. Bring the information your blocks are trying to convey into your conscious awareness.

Affirm What Is. “Yes. I acknowledge you.” Keep opening your heart as you repeat this mantra. When something surfaces and requests your attention, acknowledge and affirm What Is… just as it is. Keep saying, “yes.”

Love unconditionally. Take the affirmations one step deeper. Imagine Love coming from all directions and gently saturating each need, concern or belief. Imagine every aspect of you saturated in Love. Breathe in Love, let it flow through your veins and gracefully exhale Love. If discomfort arises in you, breathe, relax into the discomfort, and continue to allow Love.

As a being of Love, when you return to it, you recognize that your truth, power and joy begin and end with Love.

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About the Author

Veronica Lee is an Intuitive, Mentor, Speaker and Writer who has shared her insights and wisdom with thousands around the globe. A mystical artist, Veronica guides people to see and express their innate ability to live empowered, joyful lives. In addition to profound insights, she offers practical tools for evolving spiritual-human beings, including a free eBook to Awaken Your Intuition and meditative audio to help you access Your Akashic Records. To receive Veronica’s free gifts or connect with her, visit her website at

View Comments (2)
  • I believe, the most devastating thing is “Comparison”, as you have said. This definitely stops from aligning with love and joy, and bungles our entire life and relationship… Good points Veronica. It’s a thought-provoking piece.

  • Thanks, Bill. Just tonight I had this conversation with my 16-year old son. *sigh* Although “I” understand the devastating affect it has on us when we compare ourselves to others and try to share this, I see the blank stare in my son’s eyes when I try to “convince” him of the trap!
    … and YET, I still find MYSELF doing the same! No, it may not be about my “physical muscles,” but I still get caught up in “comparing” my “spiritual offerings” / work to that of others, whether or not I give voice to it! I FEEL the negative impact, blocking my own flow of Love and Joy.
    The good thing is I have AWARENESS of doing this when I am in it and go back to the practice of noticing, allowing, loving… and, if possible, LAUGHING. 🙂

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