10 Easy Steps For Balancing The Chakra System Of Your Pet

The Chakra System Of Your Pet
By Wendy Van de Poll
As a loving pet owner you have probably experienced a time when your beloved companion was ill, not feeling well, in pain or just plain out of sorts. This experience can leave you feeling helpless and defeated!
Not to worry as there is a hands-on solution that you can learn which can help your pet feel more relaxed, centered and focused. It is called Chakra Balancing.
All animals have their own Chakra system and since they are very sensitive creatures their response rate to this type of hands-on healing is excellent.
What is a Chakra? Briefly, there are many ancient energy medicine traditions that use Chakras as a healing and diagnostic modality. They are spinning wheels of light that run the length of the body. These areas are called energy or power centers and each one is connected to a different physical body part and a different emotional state.
Here is a brief description of the Chakra System of Your Pet
1. The first Chakra is located where the tail meets the body. The color associated with this Chakra is red and relates to survival and grounding. It is the energy center for the skeletal system, muscular system, intestines, gut, hips and hind legs.
2. The second Chakra is located in the lower lumbar area. The color associated with this Chakra is orange and relates to feelings, emotions and excessive whining, boundary issues, etc. It is the energy center for the kidneys, adrenal glands, reproductive system and lymphatic system.
3. The third Chakra is located in the middle of the back. The color associated with this Chakra is yellow and relates to self-esteem and sense of self. It is the energy center that governs the stomach and the liver.
4. The fourth Chakra is located in the middle of the chest. The color associated with this Chakra is green and relates to feelings of herd hierarchy, emotional grief, nervousness around other animals, separation, etc. It is the energy center for the heart, blood and lungs.
5. The fifth Chakra is located on the throat. The color associated with this Chakra is blue and relates to the ability to communicate and listen. It is the energy center of the throat, mouth, teeth and jaws.
6. The sixth Chakra is located on the forehead between the brow-line. The color associated with this Chakra is indigo and relates to acceptance of self. It is the energy center of the eyes, nose and head.
7. The seventh Chakra is located on the top of the head, between the ears. The color associated with this Chakra is white or violet and relates the connection with spirit, depression or being withdrawn. It is the energy center of the brain, pituitary glad, skin, spine, central and autonomic nervous system.
10 Steps For Balancing The Chakra System Of Your Pet
1. Find a place that you and your pet will not be distracted.
2. Clear out all negative thoughts and replace them with positive thoughts
3. Then take a deep breath, visualize white light around you and your pet.
4. Then fill your hands with white light.
5. Slowly and with focus begin placing your hands on the first Chakra.
6. Imagine the Chakra filling with first the white light in your hands.
7. Then imagine the specific color of that Chakra replacing the white light.
8. Communicate loving and healing energy with your mind as you send light to your pet.
9. Then move onto the next Chakra and repeat.
10. Do this sequence until all 7 of the major Chakras are filled with light and the color that is associated with that energy center.
Remember… balancing the Chakra System for your pet is a wonderful way to connect with your companion and by practicing this technique regularly you will see the difference with your best friend’s health, behavior, well-being and more!
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About the Author
For more information on Wendy Van de Poll, Animal Guidance Communicator and Intuitive Life Path Coach please visit her at:
As a medium, healer, author, teacher and radio host she works with people and animals all over the world.

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