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Conscious TV – Week of 3 March

Conscious TV – Week of 3 March


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Conscious TV – Week of 3 March

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Healing the Original Wound

Premiers Monday, 3 March – The ascension may be already starting for some, but there is still a lot of work to do. Even though we are all connected through an intelligent living universe, each of us faces our own challenges for overcoming inner pain and addictions. David Wilcock offers an understanding of our deeper levels of pain and illuminates the way for self love and choosing happiness to heal the original wound.


Interview with a Vampyre

Premiers Monday, 3 March – Once upon a time, vampires were soulless, blood-thirsty creatures roaming the night in search of hapless victims. Today, they are dashing and seductive, sweeping hapless victims off of their feet with a sharp smile and hypnotic gaze. But, what is it like to really be a vampire? Father Sebastiaan explores the evolution of various vampire myths and explains what it means to be a Vampyre in the modern world.


Secret Powers of the Vatican?

Premiers Tuesday, 4 March – Some secrets are too dangerous to reveal openly. Will we ever know what lurks beneath the gilded facade of the Vatican City? Between the lines and between the words, we may find a truth that is far stranger than any fiction. In her soon to be released book, The Ruby Crystal, Barbara Hand Clow spins a tale of power and secrets hidden within the Vatican, which may be all too true.


Technological Mark of the Beast

Premiers Wednesday, 5 March – They are many who believe that we are in the last days, as prophesied by the bible. This belief is reinforced by emerging technology that erodes our sense of privacy and diminishes financial independence. We may soon find ourselves voluntarily embedded with nanochip implants that track and control our behavior. Paul McGuire draws a correlation between bible prophecy and the computer advancements which may just be the technological mark of the beast.


Resolving Broken Family Dynamics

Premiers Wednesday, 5 March – Families can be a great source of delight and contentment as well as stress and sorrow. What we learn from these family dynamics affects every aspect of our lives, for better or worse. It’s good to know that we can move beyond this programming and heal all of our relationships. Elmar Dornberger explains how Constellation Therapy can heal generations of suffering by recognizing and resolving broken family dynamics.


Astrology Zone for 2014

Premiers Thursday, 6 March – The ancient science of astrology studies the movements of the planets through the signs to better understand the influence that they may have on our lives. Susan Miller, founder and editor of, shares what’s in store for each sign in 2014 and recommends how best to use this knowledge for planning an amazing life.


Whispers from our Dreams

Premiers Friday 7 March – The realm of dreams is a land of mystery for many people. Yet, each dream is a message from our subconscious trying to reveal the things we have been denying ourselves. Knowing this, we can learn to become better dreamers by remembering and decoding the language of our dreams. Davina MacKail explains how we can connect with our subconscious by listening to the whispers from our dreams.


The Virtual Aquarian Age

Premiers Friday 7 March – We live on the cusp of two worlds as a virtual reality is overtaking our physical reality. This transition becomes evident as digital media replaces CDs, DVDs and books. All of this is expected as Uranus treks through Aries and we continue to see educational and technological innovations. Robert Phoenix reminds us of the big picture and offers advice to help us stay connected to our spirituality as we connect to the encroaching virtual Aquarian Age.

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