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Conscious TV Week of 24 March

Conscious TV Week of 24 March

Conscious Entertainment

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Conscious TV Week of 24 March

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Transfiguration Icons and the Holy Light

Premiers Tuesday, 25 March – As you gaze upon a masterpiece, you may find yourself inexplicably draw into the imagery, forming a special connection with the art and artist. Within some of the most compelling works, we will find sacred mirror imagery that connects us with the holy light of ascension. Clare and William Henry examine these transfiguration icons as found within many different works of art throughout the ages.


Auras and Energy

Premiers Thursday, 27 March – Everyone radiates an energy pattern that can be perceived as an aura. Before offering soul readings to a live studio audience, James Van Praagh explains how you can detect and read this energy from other people as well as discover your own energy.


Messages for the Age of Experience

Premiers Friday 28 March – Everything we encounter in life, even the obstacles, are messages from our higher being trying get us to pay attention. Thus, we are not on a journey; rather we are the journey. Every moment that you experience is a part of your own higher-self experiencing itself. Simran Singh delivers an inspirational message to dive into your passions and experience a life full of joy.


Neptune and Chiron in Crisis

Premiers Friday 28 March – Fukushima, fracking and chemtrails are all a part of a crisis that is not limited to the environment. All of this began in February 2011 when Chiron began its long journey through Pisces. With Neptune also in Pisces, we are presented with an opportunity for a spiritual understanding of these difficult times. Robert Phoenix reveals the implications of this Neptunian and Chironic crisis as well as the lessons of compassion and understanding which can resolve it.

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