The Ego Vs The Spirit

By Brooke Hart
The ego is an experience that every human on Earth is connected to, specifically as an energy that creates identity. It is used to help in defining our self and how it relates to the world. It creates experiences as well as expectations and definitions. It is usually the basis of belief and identity at almost every level. When we think of success, fortune and other aspects of our lives that relate to the identity, it typically holds a basis in ego.
While ego is a necessary component to balance polarities of our lives, it often takes away from the spirit. It is a force that we first have to recognize and look into. It is then a force that, with the proper transcendence, we can move out of and more into the spirit. When you are in the spirit of your identity, you are at a higher form of your identity that doesn’t need belief, identity or definition. It doesn’t calculate or expect certain things, but instead is interested in selflessness, community and a broader scope of life.
How the Ego Works
Most relate to the ego from Freud and Jung, the fathers of the identity and how this relates to our psychology. However, there is an energetic link to the ego that moves outside of the mind and into a relationship with our being. Our identity comes from the root chakra and from concepts of worth, survival and how we relate to the world.
When the root chakra is out of balance to the world, it creates a negative spiral. It actually creates an identity of survival. We find that we are interested in fear, negativity and survival mechanisms. Most are related to selfishness and trying to find a sense of worth in the world. If you find someone who is calculative and who is trying to define their worth or may feel worthless, then they are working with the negative energy spiral of the root chakra.
When the negative spiral moves into the third eye, it creates a warped survival link between the energetics of the body and the mind. The identity and beliefs of the individual become blocked with rigid definitions of how life should be. Imprints and patterns begin to set in over the identity of an individual, usually related to selfish ideas of having to be successful in the world or needing things, needing relationships, needing worth and identifying with success and failure that relates to the identity. Many of today’s religious groups are spiraling specifically on this identity energy.
Balancing Ego and Spirit
While the ego can be balanced in the third eye and crown chakra, this is only the sugar-coated version of balance. Our spiritual identity is in our mind and is related to these two aspects. However, if we don’t clear and balance the ego on every level of the chakras, then we may find that the ego moves into constant battle with the spirit. Instead of identifying with our spirit, we take our spirit as identity and begin to believe that this is our identity. You may see many that are in a spiritual profession that identify only with this.
The spirit has been recognized in the crown and third eye; however, the ego at the root chakra, filled with survivalist needs and fear, is still transpiring energetically to battle and balance with the ego and spirit.
To balance the ego and spirit, the root and second chakra need to be balanced. This means that survivalist instincts, fear and the need to identify with worth and success also need a divine balance. Yes, these are lower and denser energies. However, there is the ability to create a balance with the ego and survival that is linked to the spirit and the divine, as opposed to linking to identity.
Have you ever been to a place and met someone for the first time? What do they want to know? In India, they want to know your connections to your family, an identity that has to do with relationships. In America, they want to know where you work and what you do, an identity that is based on career. Both come from the lower chakras of the ego and are based on trying to identify you.
We’ve somehow created an entire community on ego. What happens is that the relationships that are formed then take on a basis of relating by identity and ego, as opposed to spirit. Our third eye to others spiritual form closes to others. Our third eye to ourselves becomes intertwined with the lower frequencies.
To balance the root and third eye from ego, change your survival instincts. Stop the worry. Stop the fear. Stop the identity of worth, relationships and other lower frequencies. What you will find is that there is the ability to simply surrender and let go. You will find spiritual answers for physical needs that are outside of what you would suspect is your identity. Your entire being will begin to shift into not what you need, but instead what your spirit desires.
The concept of identity, in relationship to this energy, simply vanishes and is no longer necessary. It is letting go of these energies of ego that then helps you to balance the ego and to find that it is no longer necessary.
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About the Author
Brooke Hart is executive director and shamanic healer at the Omatrix Center. She is also President of the Ah Network, one of the largest Hawaiian informational systems for alternative and metaphysical living. She currently offers private energy healing sessions and spiritual courses in empowerment for entrepreneurs, energy healing, shamanism and women’s empowerment. She also works within the business realm with Internet Marketing, strategic development and technological solutions. Her desire is to provide a gateway from Heaven to Earth, where spiritual practices are a foundation in every area of our lives. She is the authors of the books, The Science and Spirit of Energy Medicine and The Power of Awakening and the composer of the CD, Whispers of Light.

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