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Feng Shui and Cancer

Feng Shui and Cancer


In classical feng shui, one of our strong points in helping people is the ability to corroborate how the house may be influencing someone’s health in specific ways. There are various levels in which this can be done. One level is based on the occupant’s birth data. Each person has some health vulnerabilities based on their personal trigram or gua. For example, a man born in 1958 is the Qian trigram and prone to having problems with the head or lungs. This might be true no matter where he lives, but the energy in the home could either diminish or increase his vulnerability.

On another level, we can observe if there is any “sha” or negative influence in a certain direction. For example, the direction of southwest is associated with the abdominal area. If there was some negative influence in this part of the house, like a crack in the wall or foundation, it could result in any family member having health issues in the abdominal region. Sometimes we can predict which family member will be most likely to experience a health crisis.

On another level, when we factor in the age of the structure, even more health predicaments can be correlated to certain areas of the house. When a person spends a lot of time in a select area of the house, the local influences will be more pronounced. This is why the bedroom is the most important area of the home, simply because we spend a third of our lives sleeping in this location.

Directly outside a house in the surrounding areas, if there is some kind of environmental sha, it can have a common, anticipated effect on health and it can also have a targeted Feng Shui correlation. For example, there is debate about whether or not an electrical transformer mounted to a utility pole has harmful EMF’s within a close range. Whatever potentially objectionable item may be just outside of a house, the direction in which it exists can have another layer of impact. If there is something that could be deemed toxic or carcinogenic aligned with the south sector of your house, that can have a different effect than the same situation to the north of your house.

I use the phrase “modern Feng Shui hazards” to describe a list of negative influences for both interiors and exteriors which are clearly modern circumstances, and not the stuff written about in ancient Chinese texts. The off-gassing synthetic materials which make up our homes and furnishings can take their toll as much as outdoor air pollution and chemtrails. Our food is genetically modified and our water is impure and we are now bombarded with electrical fields generated by our computers, cell phones, televisions and other appliances. I was enjoying driving a hybrid car for many years until someone pointed out that sitting so close to the huge electric battery for a couple hours a day while driving is not very good for one’s health.

So can the Feng Shui influences of a property indicate potential for cancer? The answer to this is yes, and once again on several levels. Aside from the modern carcinogens that we all have to contend with, there can be geopathic stress, created from such “natural” occurrences as underground water and other underground disturbances which over time can build to undermine a person’s health. Chinese geomancers knew about these disturbances within mountains and underground for thousands of years, but used some very cryptic and mysterious terms, such as “dragon veins” to describe the movement of qi in the natural landscape.

As well, the flying stars can indicate a proclivity to certain illnesses, which left unattended, could develop into different types of cancer. The flying stars are the numerical codifications for a magnetic field created when a structure has been built. For example, without even having to view the structure in person, I can refer to the space-time calculations we perform in a classical Feng Shui audit. Here is one example: We could have a home built in 1970, facing magnetic northeast at 45 degrees, and predictably the east sector of that house will host an energy field that may exacerbate a health issue and even potentially contribute to cancer. (And a person would have to be spending a lot of time in that area).

Xuan Kong Flying Star practitioners are familiar with the descriptions of the Five Yellow Star, which is associated with pain and the process of cells dividing and multiplying. I have found that in the homes of people with cancer, there is a high probability that their bedroom is in a zone with this Five Yellow Star qi. It could also be coupled with the 2 star, which has been for many decades associated with sickness in general. This 2 star energy will turn a corner in 2024 and start an upward cycle of being positive for health for the ensuing 60 years, but for many decades the 2 star has been associated with sickness and even death. All of these “stars” (as energy) go through major cycles of positivity and negativity.

See Also

If we can discuss whether or not bad Feng Shui can cause or contribute to cancer, we can then ponder if good Feng Shui can allow cancer to go into remission. We know this can happen when people take the measures necessary to kill the cancer cells, with medical intervention as well as with pro-active dietary changes. The Feng Shui of one’s immediate environment would just be one more layer to consider.

I have worked with clients who experienced an improvement in their cancer status when they applied the proper adjustments to their living spaces. But because cancer can be caused by more than one influence, some of which we have no control over including genetics, we can’t say with confidence that altering one’s physical surroundings alone can cure cancer.

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About the Author

Connect with Kartar Diamond and Kartar’s School of Traditional Feng Shui ® at

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