Living ‘In’ with Spirits

Spooky? yes! So how does one live ‘in’ with not a ‘flesh’ and ‘blood’ entity but in real terms with ‘ether’. Now it does sound way over ones head! Honestly it happens and happens in the most surreal yet ‘real’ manner. The good part is you have 24/7 company; you are never alone, but the flip side is you are unable to live with the real, so called ‘normal’ genre of mankind. You sound crazy, nobody is able to comprehend this ‘weird’ phenomenon except the ‘Psyche Allies’ you have. So let’s understand the dynamics of this situation. What exactly are we talking about?
Why would spirits choose to spend time with a ‘living’ when it has heaven as its gateway. Well there could be several reasons.
3 Reasons Spirits Stay Around
1. Confusion: a sudden death or traumatic death could trigger ‘confusion’ in a deceased soul, they are confused as to why suddenly they are in other dimension where they cannot speak/communicate with their loved ones, they feel lost. Even on the other plane it takes time to settle!
2. Attachment: a strong connection, rather attachment to a loved one or a place. The bond is so profound that they just don’t want to move away.
3. Unresolved issues: Sometimes the unresolved business of the soul can really cause a lot of anguish to the deceased as well as the ‘living’ souls inevitably, causing the departed ones to stay close ‘ in spirit’ to the ‘living’ souls seeking forgiveness… ‘penance’.
Most of you would be wondering, how exactly one knows when one is engulfed by spirits or if it’s just imagination gone ‘wild’. Well it’s for sure ‘real’ to an extent that one can literally sense, feel, ‘touch’ them.
Wondering, how one can touch ‘ether’ or vice versa.
Yes they feel you, touch you in ‘ways’, one cannot subjectively quantify or record but ‘know’ it’s ‘subtle’ presence and ‘contact’. The spirits feel comfortable with a loved one, always wanting to ‘be around’. It’s a whole ‘new’ world ‘up there’ for them though they have other ‘soul group’ member’s with them to make their transition smooth, still it’s not a ‘cake walk’ initially; that’s the primary reason they ‘hang around’ the ‘living’ loved one. Sometimes they show their presence by a particular ‘aroma’ they were ‘known’ by; sometimes sudden falling of things, a whisper, music that sounds heavenly to say the least, a particular stench, sudden displacement of ‘objects’ around you, electrical gimmicks, vehicle breakdown in the most unforeseen manner, cloud formations, birds suddenly appearing from seemingly no where, butterflies flitting by…so on and so forth. Just to show you ‘how much they ‘miss you’, ‘love you’.
There could be lower spirits also who could cause some subtle ‘nuisance’ but with an exorcist one can part with them; the loving spirits can be approached via a good medium. A medium can help to interpret what exactly the spirit wants to convey to the ‘loved one’. This way both the living and departed can have a peaceful ‘resolution’ or closure or just a sweet ‘farewell’ if need be. Sometimes resolution may still not happen but than it’s the soul plan to ‘learn’, ‘take its time’ and …move on…when the lesson is clear and learnt!
Coming back to the premise, how you Live ‘IN’ with spirits?
They actually breathe you! You can feel their breath when you are in ‘meditation’ and many a times’ whist you are sleeping. No it’s not scary, it’s just you get used to ‘them’ being around, if you accept them just the way they are! You can see their flashes as if a ‘person’ is right ‘in your face’, it does get way too overwhelming but then they are your ‘own’ people, so better get comfortable with their ‘not so real’ presence. They will walk with you, talk to you, sleep next you, sit next to you… ! Love them no matter what because they seek your support, your ‘essence’ rubs through them. They seem to whisper at times as if a ‘live’ person is talking to you; you may feel you have gone ‘nuts’ but for them it’s a sweet reassurance of the ‘unbreakable’, ‘eternal’ bond they share with you. They sometimes talk to you in your ‘head’, like a 24/7 counseling team, i.e., when they choose to become your guide in the afterlife. Honestly all for ‘good’!
Yes all this may sound a little ‘over the top’ for people who don’t believe in the afterlife, but believe it or not; the biggest of skeptics also surrender when the ‘presence’ is ‘felt’. Trust me, ‘honour’ the subtle ‘voice in your head’, it may be one of your loved one’s on the other side who has chose to become your ‘guiding star’.
Many movies have been made to capture the afterlife; Whoopi Goldberg’s movie ‘The GHOST’, is to my mind the best movie ever, it so magically presents the ‘contact’ made by Demi Moore’s departed boy friend, actor Patrick Swayze. I think it’s a beautiful shot when her boy friend is trying to get to Whoopi Goldberg the ‘medium’, so that he can communicate with his girl friend, Demi Moore.
So all said and done, if ever one feel’s such ‘presence around’, do not rule out as a ‘figment of imagination’; all you know your loved one on the ‘other side’ is just trying to make a ‘contact’. Get in touch with a good and ethical ‘medium’ and get ‘connected’.
Heaven’s just a knock away; let the door ‘unlock’.
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About the Author
Sunanda Sharma is a professional Tarot Card Reader, Psychic, Author and Life Coach .She is now the member of Elite Psyche Team – Best American Psychics, Member of Certified Psychic Society USA , Winner Tarot Super Achievers Award 2012 . Winner SuperAchievers Award 2013 for ‘Spiritual Counseling’ in India. She is a published author. She has written two books of Spiritual/Inspirational genre “Inspiration from the Spirit Volume 1” and “Inspiration from the Spirit Volume II”. Both these books are available on and
You can reach her at

Sunanda Sharma is a professional Tarot Card Reader, Psychic, Author and Life Coach from India. She is a member of Best American Psychics Team 2013, Member of Certified Psychic Society 2013 and Winner Tarot Super Achievers Award 2012 in India.