You Are a Medium

There is an increasing widespread acceptance of life beyond the physical and we desire and seek more knowledge, wisdom and personal experiences with it. The line that seemed to separate the physical from the spiritual, the seen from the unseen is becoming blurred. As our connection with the other side evolves, the veil that separates us in thinning. Those on the other side are drawing closer and our desire to connect with them is stronger than ever. Our ability to influence one another is also growing and expanding.
As you go about your daily concerns and activities your thoughts, emotions and actions are intersecting with those on the other side. You may have noticed this yourself. Have you ever felt the presence of loved one who as passed over comforting you during a time crisis? Maybe the lights in your home blink or prematurely burn out. Have you ever felt a warm, but invisible, hand on your shoulder or smelled the scent of your deceased grandmother’s perfume? Have you ever had a dream of a loved one that feels more like a real encounter or through the corner of your eye you have seen the fleeting image of a loved one. These are common ways that that those on the other side make contact with us. Our worlds are not as separate as they may appear to be and just as you long to communicate with them, they desire to make contact with you.
How You Help the Other Side
Several years ago in my work as a medium, my communication with the other side began to deepen. One morning I had a session with Claudia, a woman who wanted to communicate with a dear friend of hers that had passed over several months prior. This session began like most others. Her friend quickly came close to let her know that she was with family and in peace and she shared a few happy memories. Toward the end of our time together, Claudia’s father who is in spirit, came forward. Claudia was startled by his presence as her parents had divorced when she was young and she rarely saw him after this.

Sherrie Dillard has a M.Div. in New Thought Counseling and Metaphysics and has over twenty-five years as a professional intuitive, medium and New Thought Counselor. She is the Best Selling author of Discover Your Psychic Type, Love and Intuition, and You Are a Medium published by Lllewellyn Worldwide; and The Miracle Workers Handbook: Seven Levels of Power and Manifestation of the Virgin Mary published by O Books.