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Monthly Astrology Forecast for April 2014

Monthly Astrology Forecast for April 2014

The grounding cord for this wave consists of the clear, stabilizing messages and thinking from Mercury trining Saturn. Venus’ shift to Pisces softens our hearts and opens us to higher guidance. Use that as GPS when this first wave crests with relationship standoffs, showdowns and compromises, as the Sun opposes Mars on the 8th. These are part and parcel of the revelations, closures, exits and emotional high tides associated with the Libra Full Moon lunar eclipse that’s building.

While that wave is still resounding, the two rulers of love, Venus and Neptune, meet on the 11th. Their union provides a brief escape, if not a taste of magic and bliss (no joke!), as well as the personal and relationship benefits inherent in the bold and drastic changes we’re undergoing and witnessing.

The second wave peaks midmonth, with the first eclipse in tow. The 14th perfects a t-square from Jupiter and Pluto to Mercury and Uranus, tilting perspectives, unlocking thinking and ambushing us with information that ignites and perhaps inflames. At this occurs, Pluto stations for his annual retrograde, which begins the slow and steady build-up of pressure for the coming waves.

See Also

The next day brings the lunar eclipse at 25 Libra, which will roll out chapter endings and emotional closure into the fall. This eclipse is a recurrence of one on April 15, 1995. Events that occurred during the spring and summer of 1995 indicate themes that are coming to a head again for you. (Read a full discussion in my mooncast later this month.) This second wave crests on the 16th, when a Mercury-Mars opposition further lights up relationship standoffs, showdowns and compromises.

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