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Perceiving Unity

Perceiving Unity


On the Road with Lilou

Perceiving Unity

Featuring Frank Kinslow

Premiers Friday, 21 March

Perceiving-Unity_GaiamTV_OMTimesWhat does it mean to be enlightened? Could it be the ability to converse with angels in another realm, or simply the momentary sense of peace within the real world? It all comes down to your perception, whether your thoughts are inward or outward and how you deal with fear. How do you perceive unity? Frank Kinlsow has been pursuing enlightenment for over 40 years and he shares what he learned when he finally just stopped.

For more than 35 years, Frank J. Kinslow has been researching and teaching healing techniques. He created the Quantum Entrainment process of instant healing, in 2007, to create a vibrant and fulfilling life for himself. In just a few years, tens of thousands of people around the world were able to create vibrant and fulfilling lives for themselves just by reading his books.

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About On the Road with Lilou

Lilou Mace gets up close and personal with today’s top luminaries who are inspiring a new era of self-transformation and spiritual evolution for co-creators everywhere. You’re sure to enjoy Lilou’s fun, intriguing and conversational interviews. New episodes on Fridays. Past episodes on demand daily.

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