Sun in Aries – Angels Lay Seige
Sun in Aries
by Salvador Russo
Sun in Aries means the Sun soon transits the Kingdom of Aries! The second year of the Age of Light will flash into life as the Sun in Aries ignites our vernal equinox. The trajectory of world affairs will suddenly take bold, historic, and unprecedented turns as spiritual warfare rages with new found intensity. Courage will become the currency of the day as tests of character and substance find us all and christen new heroes throughout the planet. Prepare yourselves for blessing and victory beyond your imagination!
I predict the following for the Sun in Aries: pioneering changes in life direction, newfound spiritual empowerment, victory over evil, success to ambitions, unexpected revolutions, the entrance of leaders, changing of the guard, history making political events, entrance into new spiritual paradigms, beautiful family transformations, the formation of power partnerships, enhancement to entrepreneurial efforts, powerful inspiration to initiate and adventure, bold displays of heroism, exciting new opportunity, and the emergence of glorious pathways of promise.
The most important thing to remember about the Sun in Aries is that it always opens powerful new doorways in life for us to venture into boldly. Doing so will set the stage for the rest of the solar year through the wondrous effects of wise actions taken within space and time. This is not an energy to be timid with but rather an energy to channel into bold and decisive actions that solve problems, beautify life, and enable a higher future. This is the time of year for adventure where courage and faith are rewarded with bliss!
Miracles are seeded throughout the world and the Sun in Aries will soon bring them to life. Embrace new powers, graces, and opportunities that develop or find you as evidence of God’s love for your life and future. Be confident in them and follow signs that assure you that you are on the right course even if that course is completely new to you. New leaders have been anointed in secret and many of you who read these words count among them. Trust your hearts, passions, and instincts and seize opportunities that allow you to shine in new ways. God depends on you to reclaim lost territory on the Earth. There is a war here, never forget it.
Not every soul was born with a warrior’s mettle. For those who need a boost of fire and courage look no further than the gemstone known as “carnelian”, one revered by royals since ancient times. The carnelian will invigorate your energy field with frequencies of fire that will empower you to act boldly and confidently beneath the Sun which requires it of us. If there were a “Stone of Hercules” it would be carnelian. Remember this if you are faced with daunting, herculean challenges to overcome in life. Brave your storms and overcome your trials with the firepower that carnelian offers.
Divine talents are coming to us one way or the other between April 1st and 3rd as the Sun and Uranus make conjunction in Aries. This is a pivotal day in the Sun in Aries transit. Be hyper conscious and accepting of extraordinary experience, knowledge, and ability that manifests suddenly. These days will be like doorways into new dimensions of life, quite literally, through quantum enhancements, space-time blessings, and access to divine knowledge. Embrace the radical and chart a new course into the future based upon what happens during these three precious days which I will describe as a “quantum quake.”
God will show His mighty hand against the adversaries of humanity beneath the Sun in Aries. Expect fatal wounds to find Babylonian elites and expect them to ravenously turn against one another amidst continual destruction of their sinister world. What we see now will be nothing compared to what comes. Look to the month of April, beyond the New Moon in Aries, for astonishing collapses in their political power. Small-time devils will be wounded too, all throughout the world, as no evil is forgotten by God. The angels have their targets and heroes will soon be working overtime.
Here are three simple keys to access remarkable success during the Sun in Aries: embrace the unprecedented, act courageously, and initiate something that is both new and promising. If you can do this you will set yourself up for the brightest cosmic year of your life. The climate is ripe for us all to rise rapidly and majestically. The New Moon in Aries cycle will easily carry us into the Jupiter in Leo transit when new kings and queens will be born throughout the Earth. Be counted among them and show your courage now. In Heaven we are measured by our deeds. Channel the Sun in Aries and show the world your boldest!
Beauty is a way to lead, I hope you love these words you read. He counts our deeds to make them glow, it’s all a stage, this world our show. You should know ‘bout secret stars that bless our lives to ooohs and aaahs. They come by laws and fill our cup, and through His grace they lift us up. They make a curse a blessing quick, did I just let a secret slip? With one more quip, a lion’s tale, God’s elect will all prevail. I’ve seen my lions in my dreams, their message royal, my heart beams! New kings and queens will steal the show, Jove keeps my words you know? Zeus to some and maybe me, I jot these words so gleefully. Now count to three, the skies ablaze, I hope these words of mine amaze.
May courage carry you far.
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