Astrology Forecast for the 2014 Taurus New Moon Solar Eclipse

The reboot of the last few weeks is wrapping up. Our operating systems are coming back online with the Taurus New Moon Solar Eclipse that’s closing out this most tumultuous stretch of our lives. Updated programming is running the show now, and implementing a revised and refined experience of reality.
Some of the new internal ground rules have already been creeping to consciousness and taking hold. You might be able to identify one event as a doorway, but it’s not the end of the story. It’s part of a process that will be rolling out for months, into the fall at least.
It has deep roots, too. As with the Libra Full Moon two weeks ago, this eclipse is a recurrence of one that happened in April 1995. Then, as now, the pair of eclipses closed a chapter in relationships and launched a new mode of sharing resources and intimacy.
Remarkable, memorable endings and beginnings occurred in that spring 19 years ago. Astonishing endings and beginnings are taking place now, too, but we’re approaching them differently than in 1995. We are ourselves profoundly different. Each of us has been undergoing an absolute and utter metamorphosis for the past two years. That restructuring has been quickening fiercely lately, with the cardinal cross taking shape in the middle of the Libra and Taurus eclipses.
The Taurus New Moon is a milestone in moving away from restructuring and into a new way of being. It is parlaying the shifts we have been experiencing — inside ourselves and in our relationships — into tangible, solid, bankable reality. Ultimately, it will extricate us from the turmoil and agony that’s been ambushing so many of us lately. Even if you’re still in pain, even if you’re still exhausted, even if you’re still occasionally feeling stymied or uncertain or weepy-eyed, you can not backslide. It’s impossible. The world you left has evaporated. The trappings you threw off, the posturing and posing and masks and positions you assumed because you thought you had to, to get by — all of these have fallen away. They’ve slipped into an alternate universe, out of your reach forever.
Welcome this New Moon. Mark it as a time of spring and new growth for you, personally. Then watch the blooming in your life. The agony of suspense is fading. Uncertainty and hanging in limbo are sliding into knowing and movement. Shifting ground is stabilizing. New patterns are locking into place.
The pace will pick up any day, probably when you least expect it. The coming attractions teaser will be the eruption of information, messages and conversations when the Moon meets Mercury later on Tuesday. They’ll drive home what’s most important to you, but fast (thanks the flow from the Moon to shape-shifting Pluto). When the Moon reaches out to Jupiter and doors start opening, you’ll know which ones have meaning to you and which ones do not.
The Moon’s journey foreshadows the pruning and blossoming coming soon for your sense of yourself. In May the Sun will run the same gauntlet of planets and influences, calibrating you to your new circumstances. Your thinking, particularly about yourself, will clarify. You’ll cut back and regroup. You’ll have the opportunity to nurture and and support this new-and-improved you.
You have every potential of emerging lighter, more self aware, more focused, less distracted, more nourished, less wasteful, more present and more genuinely yourself. All of which are useful traits to have when your little cart hits a power-up and suddenly accelerates to triple speed. Hang tight; you’re about to fly. Zoom, zoom indeed!
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About the Astrologer
Kathy Biehl is an astrologer, Tarot master and Best American Psychics member who helps individuals and businesses understand (and laugh about!) themselves, their options and the people in their lives.

Kathy Biehl has been a professional astrologer and psychic for more than 30 years. Book a private session with Kathy at, where you can sign up for her newsletter, listen to her weekly podcasts, and purchase her recordings. You can also follow her daily insights and whimsical photos on Facebook, and find her at the Professional Aquarian YouTube channel.