Astrology Forecast May 2014

Here is the Astrology Forecast May 2014 – May is a month of movement. In the first half, our desires and circumstances catch up with each other. The second half knocks the blocks out from under parked cars and all manner of situations start rolling.
All of this is an outgrowth of last month’s mix of stasis, monkey wrenches, breakthroughs, anxiety and deep-level healing. They put us fundamental changes that are now spreading throughout our lives, agreements and relationships. Two forces are behind that spreading: Venus, ruler of all that we value (love and relationships, money, possessions, creativity, beauty), and Mars, ruler of our drive and currently under Venus’ command in the relationship sign of Libra.
The spreading — and the month — month explode with high energy almost on impact, when Venus enters the warrior/hunter goddess mode of Aries on the 2nd. In this sign, the love goddess waits for no man. Social dealings always take on an impulsive, feisty, daring and pouncing quality when Venus is in Aries.
Those traits will become more pronounced this year as Venus connects with all the planets that locked into April’s grand cross. We all have a much clearer grasp of what matters to us, and that is steering our behavior with a vengeance. There’s no suffering fools, or wasting time on situations that do not engage or further our recently honed desires and values. Caution and timidity are also in short supply. Super-hero strength nerve is on tap for the normally meek and reserved, who’ll go after what they’ve been wanting with uncommon abandon. This could well be fun, flirty and sparking. It will certainly be verbal, once messenger Mercury enters the maneuverability and ease of Gemini on the 7th.
By the time Venus hits the cosmic change agents (first Pluto, then Uranus) on either side of the Scorpio Full Moon on the 23rd, our connections and circumstances stand to be significantly updated. One point of focus is how well they fit in your new experience of reality. Another is whether they are returning, in any way that has meaning for you, the time, energy, emotion or money that you are pouring into them. Yes means stay. No means evolve or die. It’s that simple.
Then it’s time to implement. Mars turns direct on the 19th and accelerates toward one last journey through last month’s cardinal cross terrain. His turnaround is lifting the pause button on relationship issues, alliances and negotiations that have been hanging since the beginning of March. Think back to what came to the surface between Christmas and New Year’s. Now tie those developments to the intensifying and clearings of last month. They’re up for another round of sharpening, refining, focusing and, ultimately, making real.
New alliances, new structures, new ground rules, new ways of getting along are coming into being as May glides to an end. They’re no longer concepts we’re discussing and negotiating. They are now tangible, practical, bankable and capable of being experienced by all our senses.
This physical emphasis coincides with Mars’s commanding officer shifting from huntress to sybarite, when Venus slips into her sensual, earth-loving home of Taurus on the 28th. Put up your feet and rest for a spell. Let what you want — you’ve made clear what it is — come to you. Talk as much as you like, though; the Gemini New Moon that same day encourages a lively exchange of ideas.
Talk takes on emotion when Mercury begins his yearly stay in Cancer on the 29th. Some people interpret this as an invitation to a pity party. Resist any impulse to personalize or feel sorry for yourself. The energy is too invigorating and forward-driving to risk wasting. Eyes on the future. Eyes on the prize.
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About the Author
Kathy Biehl is a professional astrologer and Aquarian who has lived on the bridge between intuition and the rational mind for more than 30 years.
To book a private session with her, visit, whichalso has her podcasts, newsletter and recording. You can also follow her daily insights and whimsical photos on Facebook, and find her at theProfessional Aquarian YouTube channel.

Kathy Biehl has been a professional astrologer and psychic for more than 30 years. Book a private session with Kathy at, where you can sign up for her newsletter, listen to her weekly podcasts, and purchase her recordings. You can also follow her daily insights and whimsical photos on Facebook, and find her at the Professional Aquarian YouTube channel.