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Changing the World with the Power of Your Own Mind

Changing the World with the Power of Your Own Mind

Start Changing the World

By Nancy Oakes

It Is This Awareness That Is Propelling Humanity Into The New Era

What has caused humanity to look back investigating ancient philosophies and indigenous wisdom for guidance? Why have millions turned to eastern philosophies like Buddhism, Hinduism, and millions more searching within Gnosticism, the Hellenistic philosophy of Sophism, and indigenous wisdom for clarity regarding spirituality and a direction for the purpose their life? Thereby, replacing the old paradigms, which no longer serves them, with ancient ones that do.

Actually, it is not looking back but looking at religions and cultures that are thousands of years old. These ancient philosophies, from the beginning of creation, teach freedom, compassion, personal inward power, and love. Some religious authorities would want you to believe that these ancient religions and cultures are in conflict with spirituality. The exact opposite is true. A doctrine of disrespect and no compassion has robbed humanity of a personal spiritual connection, and inner power. The sacred gifts of creation, including freedom, were forced out of our recollection during the onset of Christianity, by a patriarchal authority.

It is not true that humanity was born in sin; quite the opposite, humanity was born of great love. We can begin changing the world with this thought.  This religious dogma caused an extreme upset of constant fear for humankind. Therefore humankind lost control of its own mind. This occurred when the feminine was written out of the creation story, separating the sacred masculine and feminine. All indigenous and ancient wisdom speak of the feminine Creatress, reincarnation, detachment from materialism, and the oneness of all creation. This particular awareness changes everything and rewires the brain of human beings, causing a different thought process. It is within this new thought process that the truth about what part humanity plays in a sacred, heavenly divine plan is revealed. The answer to what is our purpose in this lifetime?

Reincarnation, “The Return”

The ancient religions have had a clear understanding of reincarnation, which has not been available to most of the western world for centuries. This sacred truth regarding reincarnation is another key to the awareness phenomenon. The return of these old souls explains the new human and the extraordinary powerful new mind process activated within them today. It is in this lifetime, now, that humanity through the acceptance of ancient philosophies is beginning to understand: those reincarnated souls bring with them many lifetimes of wisdom and power. The awakened ones are the old souls of great masters, empowered with the sacred masculine and feminine spiritual energies.

We Must Do The Work, But There Is A Higher Guidance!

Without the return of the old souls, the wise ones, humanity would not have the power to complete the next step of our human evolution: a higher consciousness and the enlightenment to change the power structure controlled by the powerful elite, who are destroying our planet. Therefore, we need all the help we can get. Our newly rewired brains understand the decay of the old systems and how to establish with love and compassion the creation of the new ones. No longer separated by discrimination and hatred, we see all mankind as our brothers and sisters. It is at this point that we can record in history that humanity rose to a higher vibration, an ascension. We can now begin the work of rebuilding paradise as co-creators. This New World is definitely possible as we have the power, enlightenment, and millions of transformed humans who have joined in the assignment. The Native Americans call this alignment of people the “Rainbow Warriors”, as all colors, cultures, and genders, are welcomed and expected to show up. 

The Truth Rings Clear

With a new mind process humanity has become aware what truth sounds like. Therefore, politicians, organizations, and authorities that support oppression, discrimination, judgment, and produce wars will be removed and replaced because of the outpouring of love from humanity. Who will remove, and replace them? The awakened ones will, for it is time. The new human mind realizes that millions of human beings are not thriving on our planet. And according to the ancient philosophies, and with the return of the feminine energy of love, we remember that humankind was not created to live in negative dark energies, enslaved and in lack.

It does not matter what name you give the Creator, God, Buddha, Goddess Sophia, Source, Great Spirit, what matters is that you recognize and connect to that higher guidance. That Source of “All Knowledge” gave humankind the power of thought to change the world for our own higher good. Many of us have lived and operated for centuries within a lie regarding the natural laws of the universe. We are all connected, but come from different cultures, we are all one, but distinctly different regarding our personal connection to Source, and we desperately need each other. Because of our cultural and religious differences there will always be more than one way to serve God, more than one story of humanities creation, and more than one teaching of how to obtain eternal bliss. If we accept this and continue in love we would have paved a golden path to peace for our planet. Those who have awakened, understand that by working together in love, we have become a massive alignment of light workers, who have the power to create a paradise on earth.

Change the Future With Your Thoughts

His Holiness, The 14th Dalai Lama has said,” There is no need for temples, nor need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our heart is our temple; my philosophy is kindness. * Sogyal Rinpoche, author of, The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, writes, “As everything is impermanent, fluid and interdependent, how we act and think inevitably changes the future.

Begin to think differently, and have the courage to create the change. The universe has our back! Freedom of thought, imagination, and will is encoded in our DNA upon our creation; we just forgot… thus the awakening.

See Also

*The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying. P 99, paragraph 5, p 102 paragraph 4

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About the Author

Nancy is the CEO of the “Spiritual Life Style Center.” She is a member of the Free Cherokee, and an adopted member of the United Lenape Band She is also an activist for the Freedom of Tibet, and the preservation of sacred life on this planet.

Her first book will be available on in the spring of 2014, The Return of Sophia, Mother of the Universe. You can contact her at her email address of, and

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