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Mommy! Look at the Pretty Colors Around You!

Mommy! Look at the Pretty Colors Around You!


By William Bezanson

“Mommy! Look at all those pretty colors around you!”

“What do you mean, Sweetie?”

“Just look! They are all around, above you, beside you …”

Not knowing how to respond, the young mother at least knew enough not to tell her son to stop being silly. She knew that it was important to encourage him in his learning about the world. She continued, “What colors do you see?”

Little Johnny gazed, and said, “I see yellow, red, and lots of other colors. Do I have colors around me?”

“No, I can’t see any around you, my precious little man.”

Johnny pondered this news, and then questioned his mother a bit more. “Why do I see colors around you and Daddy and other people, but in pictures in books or on TV people don’t have colors around them?”

Mommy suddenly realized that her son was talking about auras. She could not see them herself, but she had read about them. She paused and thought to herself, “Wow! I wonder how many other psychic abilities he has, and which we have suppressed in him by not encouraging him!”

Yes, how many? I’ve often wondered that, too.

Society does a nice job, doesn’t it, suppressing the natural abilities that we are born with. We virtually never see auras around the printed images of people, animals, and other living things, do we? And yet, all living beings do have auras. And we are born with the ability to perceive them. Pretty colors, yes!

What else? Little Johnny was born also with the ability to see many spiritual beings, such as the numerous Elementals, for example, water undines and earth gnomes, but nobody encouraged him, so he lost that ability, due to lack of practice.

And projecting his inner self to distant places. We all do that in our infancy, but very few of us retain that ability into adulthood.

How about talking to the Angels? Yes, we all were able to communicate with various spiritual beings (which we often collectively refer to as “angels”), but virtually all of our upbringing and training reinforces only the physical skills and knowledge, so our psychic and spiritual abilities atrophy and die away. Adults applaud and praise a toddler’s first steps, words, and cute imitations of our (physical) behaviours, but they ignore, or don’t even recognize, the non-physical, spiritual attainments. No wonder we lose those abilities!

And babies are born with memories of their past lives, but soon forget them, for they receive no requests to recall or talk about them.

When was the last time you explored a child’s spiritual world? If you do so regularly, that’s wonderful! My guess is that you are in a small minority.

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What a shame that society squelches the spiritual side of our education and development! Indeed, the very institutions that are typically entrusted with the responsibility to teach us about and to develop our spiritual aspects—the churches and religious organizations—totally ignore individual spiritual growth. They teach conformance with a creed, corporate worship, and literal interpretation of scriptures. Step outside their dogma boundaries, and you will be ostracized.

It is a very great worry for me that society supports only a one-sided view of our whole selves. That makes us only half-beings. My hope is that a grassroots movement of awakening consciousness, such as OMTimes promotes, will help to realign a critical mass of people towards a balance of the physical and spiritual aspects of our selves. Indeed, I maintain that such a reintegration of body and spirit is the prime and fundamental attitude that will save our dying world and decaying humanity. Such an evolution in our understanding is that important.

For my own part, I have found membership in mystical orders, such as the Confraternity of the Rose Cross (a Rosicrucian order) and the wondrous reawakening of skills and knowledge that I was born with but have forgotten … that membership and development has been thrilling and enlightening to experience! I now have a clear view of what I must try to accomplish in my remaining years in this form of life, and before I return in my next incarnation, in order to contribute to saving humanity and the world.

I hope that this article might inspire some readers to seek similar development of their spiritual skills and knowledge, and that perhaps we might join the grassroots movement of awakening consciousness.

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About the Author

William Bezanson is a retired engineer who writes on systems design and world stewardship topics. His next book will be I Believe: A Rosicrucian Looks at Christianity and Spirituality, to be published in 2014. Much of his thinking has been influenced by Rosicrucian teachings and work. He lives with his wife in Ottawa, Canada. To learn about his books, visit his website at

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