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Facing new challenges can be daunting. While this may pertain to the joining of two unique musical styles (as with the CMT show of this same name), the crossroads we explore can bring a much more diverse experience of vibration our way. Beyond the anxiety of the unknown, there are any numbers of possibilities that await the traveler, in whatever realm we may move.

Travelers are what all of us are, really, as can be seen in our physical dimension. Our soul has wanderlust. We are meant to be mobile, and from the days of the wheel, things have developed from there. Many of us are not as mobile, of course, whether it is due to physical nature or other circumstance. Roots, labels, and other forms of closed lines and systems are in place to keep us where we are. To be sure, there is a particular price to pay when it comes to our mobility and the means and methods we use to get from here to there.

Awakened souls attune to the journey, the path, and the many cosmic roads upon which we all traverse. We recognize each of us has our unique way, and at the same time, we are all traveling the same overall experience. We seek similarity in getting where we are going as peacefully as possible. For some, physical movement is not as critical as expanding our minds to realize new vistas.

At the same time, those who reach a state of compassionate service extend themselves in ways that are not well defined. It is this spiritual path, this ‘undefined definition’ that eludes the systemic and formulaic ways that seek to make ‘order from chaos.’ It is a spectrum shift that affects us all once we make the conscious choice to move from a broken system into whatever new and creative experience there is to become.

Ask any creative person, no matter what art form they pursue, and we may not be very surprised to find that they ‘lose track of time’ or that there is no hard and fast way to keep track of the effort and energies used to create that art. We have ways of keeping track, of course, for the material costs involved with a project. It takes a lot of diligence and control to maintain and monitor ‘things.’

Are spiritual and creative persons kept busy? Of course! There is always something to do and (to borrow a title from Charles Dickens) there are many great expectations we may have of ourselves. Even with proper planning and diligent monitoring, life itself presents a variety of random choices and opportunities each day. How we interact and manage those choices can make or break a current paradigm, large and small alike.

With social media, we experience the memes–those little reminders–often. We are reminded to make the right choice, be proactive, and exert our empowerment and independence. While we may seek to do that, we must also remember that we are interdependent. Our smallest actions, and decisions that precede them, can have far-reaching effects.

Therefore, we find ourselves, at times, facing a crossroads. Colloquially, crossroads carry with them a number of positive options and negative ‘dangers’ associated with them. Crossroads can mean a major change, a pivotal choice. It can mean meeting up with aspects of our selves…our ‘devils’–other evils or negative sides…that put us to a certain test of degrees of challenge we may not anticipate.

We may not know where that abrupt change may take us, just as the performers from the “Crossroads” television program might not know what to expect when joining two very different styles of music. Hopefully, they have the opportunity to rehearse before they tape the show. In real life, we do not get to rehearse (for the most part), and our choices and actions do have larger and possibly more dangerous resonances than an aural clash if things do not mesh well.

To find balance in the conundrum further means that we may choose to seek self-empowerment and autonomy. We do so in the midst of a larger society that plays by a different set of rules, and has for quite some time. It is an intricate web of experience, and we try to fit in as best we can. We seek to find order that is proscribed, yet not all of us find success. Success, of course, can be an individual determination.

However, if we mean to be mobile, and move among the other shakers in the material world, there is a combined measure of what it means to be successful. Materially, there can be a lot to “show” for one’s efforts, while the spiritual side must be discovered and felt in order to be known. It is up to us to recognize and best balance those aspects of our existence.

The crossroads itself, seen a crossing of paths and holding a unique form and structure, is also subject to the spectrum of movement and change. We may intersect at a particular point of singularity, while the roads leading up to and from that point can vary. This is how many of us can agree that we see something new and different approaching at a fixed point on the horizon.

We can feel the change in vibration and know that something unusual or remarkable is going to happen. Those who are awakened know to pay attention to what is going on around them, listening and testing the waters as to which direction will suit them best–how best to approach the change. Some of us serve as the litmus test for what may be a new standard or paradigm to come.

Will the new way work or not? Will there be enough consensus among us to forge a new way from the point of intersection? Path making and pioneering are concepts that can feel alien to many of us who have grown used to the ‘same old ways.’ Many may fall back into the easier and existing patterns, and there are those who will blaze new trails. When we are so firmly entrenched in the rut of life, discovering there are other options can hold a certain appeal.

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As we exist in the physical sense and dimension, we adhere to the overall energetic laws of this level of being. To see beyond and recognize that we can be ‘there,’ is what this whole process of transition and shifting is. We see that ‘there’ is no longer ‘here;’ we are at a critical junction.

The present place that we have come to know so well itself begins to feel foreign and alien to us. How can we possibly exist in a world that feel so uninhabitable, unwelcoming, and makes no sense? So we move on…we mobilize…we make a new way from this crossroads in our existence.

How might we gain insight into this crossroads? Nature is often kind enough to let us know that change is a process. Nature shows us that, in order for new changes and growth, something has to go. This can look very different from the way our fabricated structures become obsolete.

We are gifted with recognizable shapes and images, such as circles and cycles, to let us know things have a way of condensing. Our planets (on the large scale), our chakras (on the personal/intermediate scale), and orbs (on the smaller scale) are ways for us to capture the idea that spirit and energy are mobile in circular form.

These various dimensions of energy are there for us to appreciate, and there are undoubtedly more examples. Further observations from nature, in the simple form of a seed, shows us that in order for a new plant to grow, the seed structure itself must be destroyed…birth is an emission from a current structure. For us to experience re-birth, we see that we need to break beyond whatever ideas, ideals, or ‘isms’ that hold us where we are.

Everything ripens with age and is replaced sustainably with a new form. If we are fortunate, our energies mesh well with the new form. The crossroads can be a time and place where we take stock and make sense out of past, present, right, left, inside, outside, up, down…and figure out where we are going.

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