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“Desert Breath” | Land Art Installation|Egypt

“Desert Breath” | Land Art Installation|Egypt

About Danae Stratou:

I imagine two parallel realities in the way that we view the world. There is the world inside and the world outside of us. It is through the senses that we are able to connect the inside to the outside world. My whole life, including the choice to become an artist, has been an attempt to re-search, to understand, and to connect these two parallel realities. To bridge what is within to what is without… The reason why most of my work takes the form of tactile, multimedia installations lies in my aim to involve the viewer in a physical way; to enable her or him to become immersed into it. In order to achieve this physical ‘pull’ I often use rhythm and repetitive movement. They reflect the pulse and recurrence that are constitutive of life. They are basic elements of life itself. Rhythm and repetition help open up and prepare the mind for the elusive connection of the conscious and subconscious worlds.

For more info go to: To view Desert Breath on Google Earth: 27o22’48.48″N 33o37’57.02″E eye alt 653m

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